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interlude [L2OFF]L2PvPWORLD


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Where im lie ?


All this users in one night.

So gg for cheating admin ^^


Shakal how about you use your head before you write anything. Your only showing your self as a little kid with no maturity at all.


We just Imported Members from our last forums, that had over 2thousand registered users. It is not cheating it is just common sense, all of the players have also been emailed adding a great deal of people to the community.

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do you have a damn idea wtf is l2 extreme ?


Did you just ask gm of l2extreme if he know what L2Extreme is? Omg are you just idiot or sth even worser? How can you rate server before it even start? Im not player of this server, neither member of their forum, but it was so much funny that i just have to make comment...


Its like arquing with game creator that he know nothing about his own game...



2 hours buffs, whats wrong with this in mid/hr server nowadays? Noone nowadays makes servers with retail like time anyway... And we still dont know if resists and cat/seraphim will be 2 hours or retail...


2 custom zones- first we need to see them in game then we can start complain about them. And after some time admin can add more zones...

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Shakal how about you use your head before you write anything. Your only showing your self as a little kid with no maturity at all.


We just Imported Members from our last forums, that had over 2thousand registered users. It is not cheating it is just common sense, all of the players have also been emailed adding a great deal of people to the community.

If i see 13 members on forum and on next day 2,6k+ its really strange, coz i think players first look at forum, how many members it have, then join server. 2,6k members on forum and 50 in game. Its cheating or im wrong ? Now you told me how you got members on forum so chillout and gl with it.

Meaby you are little kid, not me. Trust me. I have right to write my own opinion about what i see thats all. So take it easy or take pills to calm down ???

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