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the best class is the one you love to play


you gonna find a way to use it effectivelly in high rate star wars servers


being good in pvp doesnt means have many pvp points

it means have a good teamwork with other people and be known for that


l2 master =)


RETARD he was asking for high rates , so my answer was for that


for HIGH 5 retail , most says Trickster is the imba class, I think Summoners are strong than ever in H5 because spirit sharing + mutual response


as I said, play what you like


altought SUMMONERS have always being IMBA in all CHRONICLES except C5 and C1...


people consider them weak


but theyre strongest for 1x1...just see OLYMPIAD where its rulled by summoners


also , its no so easy to defeat noobs like SIDO


this kind of player is the majority in L2...people who dont even know to make in game macros , or choose to play only the popular classes like treasure hunter, hawkeye or spellhowler, are the worst kind of player (LIKE SIDO)


their knowledge is like 0 about the game, they play whats easier because there are more people around to teach them or what they consider to be strong


People who plays supports for example, are the ones that have more knowledge and really knows how to play their favorite class


avoid being like SIDO because looks like he is a lol BR Dagger/Archer


play what you like and not what you think its the best

almost every class has a counter class, some kill faster and die faster, some kill slowly but lasts longer in pvp


sorry double post..just avoid being like SIDO, because the guy is a completely noob that never even had a stage 13 soul crystal before..


just look his avatar...dagger noob that chose dagger because he tought it was the best to kill people easy...


pathethic player


sorry double post..just avoid being like SIDO, because the guy is a completely noob that never even had a stage 13 soul crystal before..


just look his avatar...dagger noob that chose dagger because he tought it was the best to kill people easy...


pathethic player


And he has a lovely mask.

His nick disappears, like himself, when someone calling him for 1x1 ;D


RETARD he was asking for high rates , so my answer was for that

and since when the "balance" of the retail servers is lost because of the rate of it ?


u tell me that because you get max lvl in 1 mob ur skills will be X more powerful ?

or because u got GM buffer, the buffs will give X more stats ?

or maybe the armors from shop got more P/M def ?

or the enchants from RB's will give X more bonuses ?


"master" , stats remain the same, and even if the server change them u cannot say now which class will be stronger without knowing the changes done.


u talk about me like we are friends or smth, do u even know me in personal life ? No, u just talk trash being butthurted cuz i PROVE what u say is WRONG , based on what YOU say.


u were talking about my english skills, cuz they are low or w/e, but as i said, ur not capable to Read a post, and understand its message. (to not say again that u didnt even prove my grammar mistakes, which i say, yes, i do some since its not my first language, but still i guess ur able to understand it and bragging about that its still a prove of ur weakness )



u talk about what class i play ? im Blade Dancer on main char, and the dagger from my sig is from a subclass. Now u tell me that u never played smth else than ES ? be serious we all played all classes, at least tried them.

talk about soul crystal lvl 13 ? excuse me sir, but there was invented lvl 15 ;)



u tell me to play what i like, and thats what i do, playing BD on dex since C4 (4x serv offi) and on offi dagger even if i was warned that they are lame till they get cap lvl, and nobody take them at party, because i like their skills animations .


altought SUMMONERS have always being IMBA in all CHRONICLES except C5 and C1...


butthurted more kid ?


And he has a lovely mask.

His nick disappears, like himself, when someone calling him for 1x1 ;D

ofc, but only after u get pwnd and click on "TO VILLAGE" darling


if this is some sort of challenge , then




L2 DEX??? lol server...i played retail, I dont put private servers into discussion, being low or high, they arent the real experience,


anyways, theres no challenge against some1 who doesnt know the enemy class like you


my advice for noobs like SIDO is study the enemy before talk bullshit ,


you clearly know nothing about summoners,

blade dancer isnt for PVP...but I know why you made it, to get into a clan only..

daggers = that explains too much about you..only noobs that follow the mass pick popular classes, thats why theyre popular...because the MASS chooses them



what gonna do vs me???


start talking about what you gonna do with wind shackle and atk speed buffs cancelled


than after do what the most noobs like you do: "try to guess if you gonna attack me or attack my summon"


for last, think about what you gonna say when you kiss the floor after your pathethic death in the PVP CHALLENGE you offered...


L2 DEX...lol (this is a russian server that was C4 when retail was already KAMAEL???)





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