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[Request] Fizz

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Since he needs to be in melee range, has 2 gap closers and that W, yes he can be played like that. I've seen it done at 1700 elo ranked premade and worked pretty well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since he needs to be in melee range, has 2 gap closers and that W, yes he can be played like that. I've seen it done at 1700 elo ranked premade and worked pretty well.

yea but W works better with ap.. :S

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  • 1 month later...

Please tell me Build , Skills , Masteries.

dorans ring , sorc boots , deathfire , lich bane , deathcap , abbysal scepter , sell dorans ring for hourglass .. flash ignite as spells and 21/0/9 offensive ap masteries

max Q first then W and E last... with R + deathfire + W + Q you have an incredible nuke = +1 kill

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