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Server concept (added flowchart thing)

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This is may be hypocritical, as I am not a dev myself, and can't simply make myself into one, so here goes:



  • Char create/name/login like normal
  • Spawn in empty room, no NPCs, if room is large and accommodates other players, hide other players but self PC.
  • Event driven server, comparable to FPSs.
  • 15-20 minute gamemodes, around 1-3 minute breaks.
  • Flexible drop in drop out system - join or leave game/mode whenever you want.
  • No currency but adena. Absolutely NON other than that. GC - gone, GCM - gone. Enchant scrolls, attributes - all gone. Everything handled by a UI based shop, could use the same ingame shop Russkie used and now NCsoft use.
  • Simple and fast progression, but a lot of choice - one click attributes (to a certain level, say need 3 times use to get full attribute), one click enchant (1st try +3, then +4, +5, +6 etc) for whole sets.
    People should be wondering after 10 mins - "Do I keep my +8 foundation dynasty or go for vorpal?", "lots of mages, get attributes? or switch class?", "Get +10 skill A or +20 skill B?" so on.
  • Bring back EXP consumption for Skill enchants, make it reasonable: if one click is +10 skill, no lose 30% EXP at lvl 78 or whatever. It has to be something that will make players think "Should I enchant? Or get level? Only 15 mins left in event, do I need this?"
  • Wipe gear/skill enchants on event end.
  • Offer to keep some items from last event to next event/game for a medium/high price - if there are exceptional players, with good/high scores, they should have the option to take their "+10 dynasty foundation breastplate" or their "+20 shield bash" to next event. It's an RPG and players would want to keep something, this would be their reward - not starting out from scratch every 10-20 minutes.
  • Exp gained from anything - get game objective, rewarded exp, healed someone when he was 30%HP? ress him if he died?reward exp. Landed debuffs on 6 targets and assisted healers with hate? Reward them with damn exp. Make it small, but constant - it's motivating to see progress, people would want to play on, if they lose, it's addicting.
  • Don't ignore mobs. They don't have to be strong, don't have to be with good rewards, but a good pack of 4-5 shot mobs keeps players' heads sharp. Not everyone is good at PvP, but if they can kill some mobs to at least reach a fraction of level everyone else is, they won't feel left out.
  • Don't pick large maps. Keep players concentrated. At least if Map is big, make spawns close to objectives. No GvE running from dion to gludio to capture town or whatever.
  • Don't need balance system. Just control rewards with ratio of own team number/enemy team number. If there is a very very large difference in players, the bigger group would have to either live with lower rewards and risk missing on keeping things for next event or getting higher, or even winning even overall. IT will become in their interests to join the weaker team.
  • Dunno how to control feed. Check IPs so that same IPs don't attack each other, check if same chars attack each other or kill each other for too long/too often
  • I might have missed something else relevant, i might come back to this


This was not my idea, was someone elses' on another server, long time ago. I didn't think it would work, but seeing the state high rates are in now, I don't think it hurts to try.


Pros: Favors all kinds of players.

Fast paced and addictive.

It's "simple". Most players would argue the same crap like "I dun wanna lrn new l2" "it's too complicated" "I want PvP" "I want normal L2". They always do that. Cus they just have to. But as far as playing the game, it is simple. Log on, PvP, get rewards, buy stuff, PvP, do objectives if you want. Stay for another event, or take a break.


Broad donation options through microtransactions and consumables. Offer vitality items, stronger potions, limited duration items, etc.


Cons: Not L2

expl0ts if not careful.




Please no comments like - dream serber, ask for impossible, want normal interlude bla bla.

If you don't like it, "No" is enough. Because honestly beyond that there is no argument or reason.

So just be honest.



EDIT: Flowchart 6th post

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i like it also!

it would be something unique!and if u succeed u could have many many players!cuz every1 is fucking bored with L2 and they need something different!so plz if u can find a dev make this server!

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Sorry, this is the most I can offer. I am not good working in a team, never mind leading one.

But if people are interested, I may attempt to make a system diagram.


Since most devs understand the aesthetics of preference over putting one piece of a code in a specific file rather than another, having a complete overview of how it should look like would make things far simpler.

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That's the thing, I don't care if someone does this on my behalf and takes credit.


I do have an idea, but i have no resources to realize it.


Besides, ideas come and go... Already thought of a better way to handle rewarding for players that would, hypothetically, want to keep certain items onto next game.

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