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you can upload pic in another hosting, I try see with Internet Explorer, Chrome and Mozilla and don´t see nothing, I don't want spam but can't see picture.

Try to see his picture now Enzo.


  • ummm maybe it can be removed you modify package, but you need to know the texture for each, is simply a matter of trying, as power is logical that if you can, is in the client and the textures really belongs to the client, just remove all the packages and textures recreate the same package with the same name, because editing does not let any problem can see all the guidelines by different users on the forum.
L2 Client Mod Guides - Newbies start here!


1. Server "Type" - You can turn it off in Your server files *.properties files :E

2. "Quality" - need to change *.utx file, but You wont be able to do that, as long we can't recreate some things with our UE 2/3.

3. "PvP Server" - Your *.properties files.

4. "Server Selection Help" - l2text\server_help :E


Take care

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