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For people new to the game it's often hard to understand what people are saying.

Therefor this Dictionary of WOW "slang".

Some words have different ways of saying them i.e. "n00b" examples of that will be posted like this:

n00b: Newbie (nub - naab - newb - noob)


Feel free to reply things I forgot.




Addon: A patch you add to the game

AFAIK: As Far As I Know

AFK: Away From Keyboard

BRB: Be Right Back

CBA: Can't Be Asked

CC: Crowd Controll

DPS: Damage Per Second

FP: Flight Path

FTW: For The Win

GM: Game Master / Guild Master

GTFO: Get The F*ck Out

Gief: Give me

GZ: Congratulations (Gratz)

HPS: Healing Per Second

IDD: Indeed

IMO: In My Opinion

IMHO: In my honest opinion.

KK: ok (K)

L2: Learn to

L2P: Learn to Play

LF: Looking For

LFG: Looking For Group

LFM: Looking For Members / Looking For More

LOL: Laugh Out Loud (kek)

Mod: Modification to your interface

MP5: Mana (regenerated) Per 5 seconds

N00B: Newbie (nub - naab - newb - noob)

NOPE: No (nopz - nah - nty)

NP: No Problem

OMG: Oh My God (OMFG)

OP: Over Powered

PLZ: Please (plx)

Premades: A raid or group made prior to the battle.

PUG: Pick Up Group

RDY: Ready (R - RD)

Regen: Regeneration

Rest: Restore health/mana/energy

ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing

STFU: Shut The F*ck Up

TBH: To Be Honest

TPS: Threath Per Second

TY: Thank You (thnx)

WTB: Want To Buy

WTC: Want To Craft

WTF: What The F*ck

WTS: Want To Sell

WTT: Want To Trade

Y: Yes (yeh - aye - yargh)

YW: You're Welcome

Zep: Zeppelin

IDK: I Don't Know

FTL: For the Lose

MB: Mana Break

OOM: Out Of Mana

LFG: Looking For Group / Looking For Guild

M8: Mate (Friend)

WTH: What The Hell

GG: Good Game

GF: Good Fight

GJ: Good Job / Great Job

NC: Nice


Forum slang


Blue: a Blizzard Moderator

CM: Community manager

Dev: developer

Epeen: Internet Ego http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=e-peen

Flaming: Insulting or downtalking http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Flaming

IBTL: In Before The Lock

L33t: Elite http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=l33t

OP: Original Post(er) / Opening Post(er)

Owning: Defeating someone in a noticible way (Pawn - pwn - p00nt - ownt) http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Own

QFT: Quoted For Thruth

QQ: A crying Smiley

Spec: Specification of talent points.

Sticky: a post that is set to stay on top of the post list.

Trolling: Making fun of someone else http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=trolling

W00T: A cheer used in different circumstances. (wewt - woot - wuut)


Guild related


CL: Class Leader

CM: Class Master

DKP: Dragon Kill Points

Endgame: The final challange

GM: Guild Master

GMOTD: Guild Message Of The Day (MOTD)

Ginfo: Guild Info

Prio: Priority

PVE: Player Versus Enviorment

PVP: Player Versus Player





Backstabber: Rogue

Belf: Blood Elf

Corpse: Undead (scourge - zombie - undude - boner)

Cow: Tauren

Dorc: Orc

Dorf: Dwarf (d00rf - dorf)

Dr00d: Druid (drewd)

Huntard: Hunter

Lolladin: Paladin (Pally - skilladin)

Nelf: Night Elf (nubelf - nerf)

Shammy: Shaman

Warlol: Warlock (Lock - skillock - warc*ck)

Warr: Warrior








AQ20: Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

AQ40: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

BFD: Blackfathom Deeps

BRD: Blackrock Depts

BWL: Blackwing Lair

DM: Deadmines

DiM: Dire Maul ( Often said as DM )

Gnomer: Gnomeregan

LBRS: Lower Blackrock Spire

MC: Molten Core

Naxx: Naxxramas

Ony: Onyxia's Lair

RFC: Ragefire Chasm

RFD: Razorfen Downs

RFK: Razorfen Kraul

SFK: Shadowfang Keep

SM: Scarlett Monestary

ST: Sunken Temple

Scholo: Scholomance

Stocks: Stockades

Stratt: Stratholme

UBRS: Upper Blackrock Spire

WC: Wailing Caverns

ZF: Zul'Farrak

ZG: Zul'Gurub




AB: Arathi Basin

AV: Alterac Valley

EotS: Eye of the Storm

WSG: Warsong Gulch




Zones and Cities


EPL: Eastern Plaguelands

IF: Ironforge

OG: Orgrimmar ( Org )

STV: Stranglethorn Vale

SW: Stormwind

TB: Thunder Bluff

TM: Tarren Mill

UC: Undercity

WPL: Western Plaguelands

XR: Crossroads ( Xroads )


Some Extra's


DING - level up in world of warcraft

NP = No Problem.

OP= opening post/opening poster (depending on context)

L2P= Learn to play

IBTL= In Before The Lock (will now result in 3 day forum ban)

Dev= developer

CM= Community manager

Whine= Complaining about nothing

WTC - Want to craft

YW = you're welcome

r = Ready

r? = Are you Ready ?

ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing

IMO: In My Opinion

L2: Learn to

STFU: Shut The F*ck Up

PLZ: Please (plx)

TY: Thank You (thnx)

BB: Bye bye, (cu)

IDD: "I don't disagree"

Backstabber: Rogue

Belf: Blood Elf

Corpse: Undead (scourge - zombie - undude - boner)

Cow: Tauren

Dorc: Orc

Dorf: Dwarf (d00rf - dorf)

Dr00d: Druid (drewd)

Huntard: Hunter

Lolladin, dpsadin, nubladin, tankadin, healadin: Paladin (Pally - skilladin)

Nelf, longears: Night Elf (nubelf - nerf)

Shammy: Shaman

Warlol: Warlock (Lock - skillock - warc*ck)

Warr: Warrior

spriest: shadow priest

suicidal specced : fire mage

longlegs: human

spacegoat: draenei

MT: Miss tell, main tank, mana tombs.

OT: Off tank

MH: Main healer, Mount hyjal

OF: Off healer/raid healer.


Some Others


AH: Auction House

BB: Bye Bye, or Booty Bay - Most be seen in context for what it means.

CU: See you

DND: Do Not Disturb

DoT: Damage Over Time - Refers to any source that makes damage over time, like X damage over Y seconds. F.ex. spells, bleeders, poison and such. Can be seen as a debuff on the target.

FC: FlagCarrier - Often seen in WSG. F.ex. "help FC".

HoT: Heal Over Time - Healing spells that heals the target X health over Y seconds.

OMW: On My Way

OOM: Out Of Mana

Q: Quest

W8: Wait

WB: Well Back


And some used by rogues sometimes, and might be seen all over the rogueforum:


AR: Adrenaline Rush

BF: BladeFlurry

BS: BackStab

CloS: Cloak of Shadows

CS: Cheap Shot

EA: Expose Armor

Eva: Evasion

KS: Kidney Shot

LP: LockPicking

SnD: Slice & Dice

SS: Sinister Strike




AB: Arathi Basin

AV: Alterac Valley

EotS: Eye of the Storm

WSG: Warsong Gulch


I have searched and did not find topic like this !


Credits to Official WoW Forums


GJ mate well done =) X.D after my l2 one you made wow and it's really great suggest stickied and +1 for vent0


Well i want to say that i took the Idea from L2 Dictionary !! That was posted by you ! :)


IDK: I Don't Know

FTL: For the Lose

MB: Mana Break

OOM: Out Of Mana

LFG: Looking For Group / Looking For Guild

M8: Mate (Friend)

WTH: What The Hell

GG: Good Game

GF: Good Fight

GJ: Good Job / Great Job

NC: Nice


PS: mono afta thimame-katalava oti loipoun... ama thimithw kialla tha valw ;)


Thx Darky for that ! I have updated the first post !! I need you help to complete this Dictionary !

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for bumping.I saw it now.


This is useful for all games,as these words are being used in cs,l2 and maaany games.


Thanks brO.SOme of them were unknown for me.

  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

It is locked for a long time...

I unlocked.

The only posts that allowd are:

AFK-Awaay from keyboard

Post that prohibited : thx, thx for info etc.

Everyone who spam etc  in this topic will get -1.


Spam post deleted


  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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