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[Release] L2-Zur bot - Undetectable - Any L2 server/version


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add cp pots spam too xD


Pot spamming is not going to happen. Implementing it to work with the current bot mechanics would require quite a bit of work. It would be ineffective, and foremost, you dont need it with a bot like this.


Not to mention noone has requested it yet except you.

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Pot spamming is not going to happen. Implementing it to work with the current bot mechanics would require quite a bit of work. It would be ineffective, and foremost, you dont need it with a bot like this.


Not to mention noone has requested it yet except you.


Have you had the time to check my PM?

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next generation of walkers, man its just simple pixel bot, it works but it will be never as effective as l2walker


1) It is a pixel bot, but it is far from simple.

2) This is not meant to be as effective as walker. However, this is infinatelly more secure.

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I've been fighting with this walker for like 6h now and I gotta say its not an easy cookie !


Some issues I ran in to :


HP heal wotn work - and some times pve mode. I think its because my l2 collors change every time I go to windows and l2. Also my screens are collors calibrated so that might be the issues. Same issues got for pve.


Now the second and most importand thing is Stuck Log off - Is Retarded - OFC I get stuck after 5 min for boting on a 1cm size rock coz L2 is bugged as shiet. What we need is instead of targeting 1 and that same mob we need an secondary mob target list. So if he cant get to that 1 particular mob the bot will target secomd mob from list and attempt to kill hi, if that wont work tell him to target thrid one, if that wont work tll him to sit/w8 1 min/ stand and do all the comands above again untill 10 min past (10min idle lets say) and then once idle is gone only then Log OFF.


Also if we die can we have option to just ''go to town'' ? Its the easiest way to spot botter dead bodies everywhere hehe...


And lastly can we have some kind of a  range limits? I know if I'm not wrong that u can use Location from teleporter to get ur x/y possitions maybe u can use it to mark a square or so of terrain where to XP, since getting stuck takes 5 min. Maybe u can just print screen map, load it in to walker, set up x/y coordinates like in L2 and just mark it thtere in soft the boundaries and tel it to check hiis location every 30 sec and just push him back if he gets lost to right spot... ?



Thanks for great waker btw ! I love it (the part that works :) ) coz there is nooo pain in the ass to install it etc etc.. thanks ! :)

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long post


Heal problems you are having are due to bad Color-Maps. So re-creating your color-maps in the bot is what you need to do. The bot takes pure colors from the windows screen buffer, so it doesnt matter what monitor calibration or color-enhancement you use. I would reccomend you re-watch the tutorial video and go over your config and color-maps again, that will fix the heal issues. It works for everyone else.


About stuck: with any bot in any game, botting is always about location, location, location. Short for lvls 86-94, there is always an alternate location you can use that is pretty good for botting. Noone complained because of stuck issues yet, so you need to find a spot that works for you.


The go to town is something I would like to implement myself, but its not easy, I might put some efford into it in the future, no promises tho.


Range limits - impossible with this bot, because of the way this bot works, discussed before.

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Yea I did it like 100x to remap stuff but ehh hard one ! Will work on it again tho...


The stuck problem is what bothers me the most. At least an option to disable it would be great...


Range - too bad but o well thanks ! :)

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i get a window shouting 'problem lanuching heartbeat process'

what am i supposed to do???


Check if Heartbeat.exe is located in the Resources folder. If so, make sure none of the bot files are being blocked by your anti-virus or firewall.

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    • Dear friends, September 24 at 19:00 (UTC +3) will be available access for our test server. UTC+3 - exact time now - Time.is During beta test will be available OBT Manager (NPC Eva) in Giran with all necessary items for test. We run 7signs in 1h cycle and Oly 24/7 Server setup on Beta same, like will be on server start On Beta will be restrictions for skill enchant lvl: 15 max for 2nd profession, 7 for 3rd profession Talent Tree avaible only Tier 1 (Same like will be on first Olympiad cycle on live server) We strongly recommend visiting beta. Check the concept of the server before it start. View the NPC Buffer, Shop, Services. We will be shutting down the public test server on September 23! So as not to mislead new players on Dex, whitch one is beta for seasonal server. After the season server opens, the Public Test Server will be available again. - Olympiad EVENT ON BETA TEST   GiveAway on Beta! On Beta launch day, we make 7 giveaways From 19:00 till 02:00. Each hour, new giveaway with 5 winer places. Each hour you need make new registartion if you want participate. To participate on Giveaway you need speak with NPC Ahuron in Giran Town and make registartion. On 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 00:00, 01:00 and 02:00 Ahuron will announce Winers! And palyers recive special item. If you will be offline on this momment, you will not get prize! Winers will recive on same account (on first character) scrolls for 7days Premium status on server start! You can activate this scroll on any time, its will give you 7 days Premium, or if you already have Premium it will add 7 days to it. Also, all who visit Beta and will be online at less 1 hour, will get small gift on server start. Pack with useful potions that for sure help you on start. We need this, to be sure you prepear you game client and ready to start    How to Connect on Beta! For participation in our Open Beta you can use your old Master Accounts(web account). But you need to create new Game Account fore NEW Interlude x25 server on your Control Panel. If you don't play in our project before - register new Master Account Download links: Updater Full Game Client (torrent) Full Game Client (direct link)   If you download Full Game Client - just unzip it, run updater choose NEW server, click on Full Check, than after update - click Start. if you already have our game client - Run updater choose NEW server and click Update. /data/attachments/4/4520-75a004e5c687b6c439c89513218f4743.jpg Join in our Discord Chanel - Join the Lineage2Dex Support Discord Server! Here you can find all important news, guides, communicate with other players and admins. Don't forget, Open Beta test is TEST server, so please make maximum test before opening, check classes that u plan to play, check shops, mobs etc. Don't just stay in the Towns enchanting weapons  Have a fun!  
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