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The best Pack L2Java for IT ?

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Yes, this is true and Zoey has done a BIG rework in the core, but like i said i don't recommend this pack for a low-mid server, cause they have a lot fo custom features and options that give errors, and if you use it for a live server your head will break cause you will got lot of problems.


This pack is ok if you want to create a custom hight rate server, but if you want a retail server, without unexpected errors you should use aCis. (obiously if you want a custom server you can use aCis too (better), but you need to have some Java knowledges to add patchs in order to have custom features).

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Y but if you want a retail server, without unexpected errors you should use aCis.

Ha ha funny guy acis with out errors i should mention that acis is in refactoring phase and that means (errors or other sh1ts are not working becouse of refactor  also the did not start to fix exploits/try the balance and so on so way acis is better form frozen ? becouse of clean java codes ...ok but that dose not mean acis is 100% better pack becouse Acis team have much to work on refactor and when you refactor sh1ts happen ..but nvm

Acis lovers will love acis pack and frozen lovers love frozen pack ..also  donno way so much hate between 2 diffrent projects ? acis is dedicated to bring l2java servers the retail futures of IL but L2j frozen is not a crap pack like some idiots say over here if you got  a smal skills on java you ca do a good pack with frozen to ..for mid or High servers dos't matter

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Somethings about you say are true, but aCis is not in refactoring phase, and about exploits/try, as admin/dev you are free of add the protections that you want for your pack (80% of exploits comes from custom modifications, like offline shop, voice commands, etc...) aCis bring the oportunity to work in a clean pack to modify as you want, this is the reason because people say that aCis is better.

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If you read a just a little be more you maybe would known that is Zoey who is doing theese updates about your are speaking, so listen her advice.

yea this man/girl is amazing he did a nice job on l2j frozen we hope he/she will stil give a heand to that project becouse is not bad i know private project that are more fuckd up then frozen ....

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Yes, this is true and Zoey has done a BIG rework in the core, but like i said i don't recommend this pack for a low-mid server, cause they have a lot fo custom features and options that give errors, and if you use it for a live server your head will break cause you will got lot of problems.


This pack is ok if you want to create a custom hight rate server, but if you want a retail server, without unexpected errors you should use aCis. (obiously if you want a custom server you can use aCis too (better), but you need to have some Java knowledges to add patchs in order to have custom features).


Al'right, everyone already said same shit again, again and again, XX is for low-mid rate and XX for high rate server.


Well, I have another idea what if the author topic will write massive noting about both projects.


PS: No offense, I used your quote as an example.


aCis has better code than L2JFrozer, for now...


Yeap that doesn't sound bad, major improvements will come, I like it.


Ha ha funny guy acis with out errors i should mention that acis is in refactoring phase and that means (errors or other sh1ts are not working becouse of refactor  also the did not start to fix exploits/try the balance and so on so way acis is better form frozen ? becouse of clean java codes ...ok but that dose not mean acis is 100% better pack becouse Acis team have much to work on refactor and when you refactor sh1ts happen ..but nvm

Acis lovers will love acis pack and frozen lovers love frozen pack ..also  donno way so much hate between 2 diffrent projects ? acis is dedicated to bring l2java servers the retail futures of IL but L2j frozen is not a crap pack like some idiots say over here if you got  a smal skills on java you ca do a good pack with frozen to ..for mid or High servers dos't matter


- Balance has nothing to do with the project, You have to make your own which depends on the server features.

- Clean codes equal performance (kind of), this means all.


Doesn't matter if my point goes to aCis (well.. much is due to the organization), I used both of them for my customers, first time L2JFrozen wasn't as it is now, I remember they made some time ago commits w/o testing them, the truth is that many things have improved for both projects.

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Dudes stop with "frozen got more exploit fixes", it's perfectly wrong. I check frozen timeline since the beginning of the project and nothing has been added to aCis from their 900+ revisions (now, guess why).


A funny fact too : ppl posts a lot of bugs reports about "how it should work compared to L2OFF" on Frozen forum, 3/4 of reports are already fixed since MONTHS on aCis (people seem to discover how it should work).


If Zoey decides to give his time to Frozen (and I still don't understand why he does, anyway his problem), don't hope it equals aCis before a couple of months ; he got Shyla, Scoria, and L2J errors to fix.


About refactoring, Dementu, I dunno for you, but I check what I commit. So far I never reverted any of my stuff. When I add, it's often good to be used, or at least it will be followed by a 'part II' and I say it on the timeline.



Finally to answer the main question of the topic :


- L2J is outdated whatever Zoey added (and I checked the timeline). You can use it as main point for a server pack, but if you haven't the intention to make your own pack, just forget it. The list of missing refactors is way too long.

- 2 main packs are actually developped, L2JFrozen and aCis :

  • aCis (based on L2J IL) try to be a stable and light server, with the minimum customs possible. I use postIL chronicles (Freya++ systems with IL gameplay) in order to refactor it.
  • L2JFrozen (based on Scoria) is intented to get ready customs ; it follows the tradition of any IL pack so far (L2JBrasil, Sigmo, Archid and so on, since 2007 you should begin to know how it works)


You can read previous threads about "the best IL packs" (as Zoey linked it in first page), I already explained that at least twice on that forum (and even explaining, there are still noobs - because it can't be named with other name - thinking aCis is private and it's made only for low rates, whatever I write people cant understand).



For a most pacific version of that answer, see with McMaGo's answer, which I fully agree :





Btw the next thread about "which is the best" will be answered then locked with a link to previous existing threads. That will avoid to repeat over and over, until things don't move, I don't need to repeat (and fans of both sides don't need to flame each others aswell).

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First I don't like what forks do, that they think they are better than L2J in so many ways and then you check the code and is the same spaghetti code different sauce. I'm pretty sure that aCis has better code than L2J Interlude or L2JFrozen, but most aCis users (devs, fans, community members) are always trashing other projects, if there is a bad project you shouldn't waste your time to trash it, instead you help them or mind your own stuff. I don't see that comments from L2JFrozen users. Even when I didn't do great fixes in game play, they took my work, studied it, tested it and then committed, to that followed some nice commits from Shyla, about refactoring (so please don't belive when people says that L2JFrozen is only untested commits and custom shit), they (L2JFrozen devs, community, etc) didn't mind about me being in L2J or anything like that, just thanks and keep working.

I know for a fact that most fork devs usually thinks that L2J devs have some sort of problem with them, that's somehow wrong, maybe in the past was like that. I could have helped aCis first, actually I could try now, but I don't have access to source code, and I don't have time to get the pack, test in game, do reports, and stuff like that, even when is not private is somehow closed source, and that is a trouble for people that would like to help, like me.

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You know aCis is better, you know a lot of Java, you know a lot of L2J, so you have made a wrong choice.


"aCis fans, dev,bla bla.... trash bad projects" lol?


do you want to know a thing? This is not a problem because tryskell check all by himsef before add it. Can you say it about frozen and their untested commits?


Another important fact is, the positive points to closed projects... The main purpose of a project owner is to create a good pack that can be used to admins to create a good server, and the purpose of the admin (al least would to be) is their players to have fun.


Well, Frozen is bruning that... they lets noob admins to create a server an try to win money with donations, if they dont get it, they close the server... This is the problem with frozen.. I have downloaded their pack, i have posted in forum, i hace readed commits, timeline all.... and i find a lot of post of admins that don't know how to install JDK, how to compile, how to configure .properties, how to install the database, how to install a buffer, how to modifi the power of a skill.


All of theese admins have a live server and every bug they found, they go cry to forzen forum and say FIX IT!!! FAST!!! cause they have no idea how to do it by themselves... this is the bigest problem who frozen represent for us, when i said us, i say all people who have the minimum knowloedges to administrate a live server.


I hate all people who download a template and make a cap homemade server and put high donations in order to take money, it's seems to them if they players have fun, if there are bugs, if is a quality server, they only want to take money by creating a l2j private server.


If l2j depends from me, i would close all sources and only give acces to experienced admins with a good server project.


If you don't beileve me, i have a loong list of crap server and of noob topics.


i will take my time but i will post here a list of crap servers and noobs topics for all the poeple who say that i'm stupid or crazy, or that frozen is good.

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