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[WTS][WOW]7 chars 85 level on 3 official realms

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Battle.net account with 3 wow accounts attached with a total of 7 85s on 3 different servers.

Rogue 85 (romethor Frostwhisper - H)

Shaman 85 (Grishos Frostwhisper - A)

Shaman 85 (Vertram Darkmoon Faire - H)

Paladin 85 (Laselot Silvermoon - A)

Mage 85 (Saboter Silvermoon - A)

Warrior 85 (Adversarios Silvermoon - A)

Paladin 85 (Sefiroth Darkmoon Faire - H)

For more info either search on the site or pm me!

(A link for my main char http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/frostwhisper/Romethor/simple )


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