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NEWS: Ranked teams are coming!


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Not too long ago we mentioned we’d be making some changes to ranked pre-made queues. We’ve got a brand new feature to share with you: Ranked teams! In the place of arranged 3v3 and 5v5 team matchmaking will be a system in which you can create a permanent, named group to take to the Fields of Justice! When Season Two kicks off, you and your friends can band together under a unified identity with one name, tag and Elo rating.


Ranked teams will allow you to easily organize your teams and track their progress. Each ranked team will have a captain who has the power to invite or remove members. You can then queue for a 5v5 or 3v3 ranked game as a team with any five (or three, on Twisted Treeline) members of your team. As your teams play together, their Elo rating will be calculated by how well your teams perform, independent of individual ratings.


Ranked teams truly are a measure of you and your friends’ ability to work together in a competitive environment; and you may belong to multiple teams, each with its own Elo rating. You’ll be able to see how you measure up against the pros, and maybe even compete against them. As we mentioned in our Season Two Pre-Season announcement, we’re going to clear pre-made ratings so you can get a fresh start and a more accurate read of your team’s prowess.


None of these changes will affect normal play or ranked solo queue. Solo queue, however, will be renamed to “Solo/Duo Queue.” Rest assured, ratings will not be reset when this takes place.


We’ll have more information for you as we draw closer to Season Two’s launch, so stay tuned!





Source: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=16950474






Personally, I'm really enthusiastic! I've been waiting for this for a very long time :)

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so this is gonna be for example: Summoner name Aecetia, team name FM so ingame the name will be FM Aecetia? without renaming it? the rest are clear to me about the teams and such

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so this is gonna be for example: Summoner name Aecetia, team name FM so ingame the name will be FM Aecetia? without renaming it? the rest are clear to me about the teams and such




FM FM Aecetia :P


Some lvl 3 fucker has taken Aecetia :(

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so this is gonna be for example: Summoner name Aecetia, team name FM so ingame the name will be FM Aecetia? without renaming it? the rest are clear to me about the teams and such

FM Escordia :D

Official FM Gaming Site Designer and blablabla.

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