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                                    Fiddlesticks, The Harbinger of Doom                                                                                         

fkbcds.jpg There are many rumors of Fiddlesticks' origins. Some say that he is the avenging guardian of the witches of the Howling Marsh. Others believe that he is some sort of abomination gone wrong, a product of the mad scientists of Zaun. Barroom stories say that he is the creation of Noxus, a thing of evil which not even they could contain. There are even those that whisper that he comes from the forbidden Shadow Isles, but such learned men often keep to themselves. Whatever the truth, Fiddlesticks has come to the League of Legends, a malefic champion whose mere presence is a warning - something wicked this way comes.



A living scarecrow, Fiddlesticks is a magical creature born of fear. His simple presence is enough to cause panic in his enemies - when gripped so, they can scarcely land a blow. Drawing on the dark magic that animates him, Fiddlesticks can suck the life out of those who oppose him, adding to his own. When he fixes his sickly green gaze upon foes, he can cause terror so profound that they flee screaming. Proving that he is what he appears to be, Fiddlesticks can mystically unleash a flock of bloodthirsty crows which fly out onto the field of battle to pluck out the eyes of any who stand before them. As if all this weren't enough, he can both harm and silence his enemies when calling upon a cruel, autumn wind.


It is hoped that Fiddlesticks is an anomaly, not a shade of things to come.


                                              Base Stats



Health: 390+80/lvl

Mana: 251+59/lvl

Move Speed: 300

Armor: 5.25+3/lvl

Magic Resistance: 35

Critical Strike: 1.75+.25/lvl

Health Regen: .92+.12/lvl

Mana Regen: .88+.09/lvl






(passive)Nearby enemy champions have their magic resistancereduced by 10.



This ability makes you able to hit 9% harder right off the bat.




[Q]Strikes a target unit with fear, causing it to flee in terror for a duration. Strikes a target enemy unit with fear, causing it to flee in terror for 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 second(s).



(This ability allows you to have a good say in the result of the game. It is

essential in team fights and allows you to drain for a whole 3 seconds

without interruption. The downside of the spell is that it has a short range,

so stay in bushes when encountering a ranged champion.)



Cooldown: 13 seconds

Mana Cost: 65/85/105/125/145

Range: 525



[W]Fiddlesticks saps the life force of an enemy, dealing damage while healing himself. Drains 50/75/100/130/160 (+0.4) health each second from target unit and gives it to Fiddlesticks.Lasts up to 6 seconds.



(This is the ability that this build revovles around. The amazing damage and life gain makes fiddle almost unkillable 1v1. This ability will be almost spammable due to the masteries I have included and the golem buff at which you should always have. This ability has a short range, but you must run far to get out of it. It even has the power to keep draining after your opponent has gone invisible. The only downside is it is a channel and can be interrupted easily.)



Cooldown: 12 seconds

Mana Cost: 80/100/120/140/160

Range: 450



[E]A wisp of wind strikes an enemy unit and then bounces to nearby enemy units, dealing damage and silencing the victims. Strikes an enemy target and then bounces to a nearby enemy unit. Deals 100 (+0.35) magic damage and silences for 1.5 sec for each strike.Can bounce up to 3/5/7/9/11 times and may strike the same target multiple




(This ability is not much used in my build. In fact, it isn't even acquired until level 13. The only use in using this is to farm creeps or to do an emergency silence when your terrify is on cooldown. It is also helpful to use on enemy champions who have purchased banshee's veil because it will remove it, allowing you to terrify.)



Cooldown: 15 seconds

Mana Cost: 50/70/90/110/130

Range: 600



[R]A murder of crows flock wildly around Fiddlesticks, dealing damage each second to all enemy units in the area. A murder of crows flock wildly around Fiddlesticks for 5 seconds, dealing 150/250/350 (+0.4) magic damage each second to all enemy units in the area. This has a 2 second channel duration and teleports Fiddlesticks

to target location.



(You should always get a kill when this ability is up. This in combination with terrify, drain, flash, and exhaust can get you a sure kill or more if correctly executed on the correct people. You should, although, save this for team fights late game.)



Cooldown: 150 seconds

Mana Cost: 200/300/400

Range: 800




Combos are combination of abilities in certain orders. Combos make champions good and lucky for us this build allows for many combos.


211jk82.jpg Terrify- 5xsmxk.jpg Drain: You cast Terrify then Drain right after to have 3 seconds of uninterrupted draining. (This is your most common combo, mainly because it has a short cooldown and can be used often. You want to do this everytime you cast Drain. You can use Flash to get to someone surprisingly, but only use Flash when you are level 1-5 and the enemy has low health.)




211jk82.jpg Terrify- 5xsmxk.jpg Drain-2n1gtx1.jpgExhaust : With this you do the same as the Terrify/Drain combo but with a twist at the end. You cast Terrify and then Drain right after, then watch carefully to see when the Terrify is up and cast Exhaust when the Terrify is gone, allowing for even further amount of draining.(You want to do this only at levels 1-5 to save your Exhaust for Crowstorm to get a multi-kill. Same goes for Flash, only use Flash to get there when your 1-5.)









10x8px1.jpg Crowstorm-211jk82.jpgTerrify-5xsmxk.jpgDrain-2n1gtx1.jpgExhaust:

This takes some practice but is deadly when executed correctly. You want to start out in a brush or behind a wall so they do not see you charging your Crowstorm. Crowstorm on top of the enemy champion or where you anticipate them to go after your charge is complete. If you miss, use your Flash immediately to correct yourself then immediately use your Terrify and your Drain thereafter. If there is another champion that you feel you can kill with your Crowstorm alone. use Exhaust on him while you Drain the more challenging champion.




                                                    Good Laning Partners


Anyone that cant keep the enemy near you. A good Blitzcrank pull then a Terrify/Drain combo can be deadly. Mid game, an Amumu ultimate in combination with Fiddlestick's ultimate can be deadly. Alistar, Udyr, Rammus, Singe, and Nunu can also be good partners.




Masteries Fiddlesticks



                                              Summoner Spells


Summoner spells are very important to fiddlesticks because they can almost assure a kill. I strongly believe 973769.jpg Flash and 2n1gtx1.jpg Exhaust are the only spells a drain Fiddlesticks should use.




sphw90.jpgGreater Mark of Force: +0.1 ability power per level (+1.8 at champion level 18)



s5vfyb.jpgGreater Seal of Force: +0.1 ability power per level (+1.8 at champion level 18)



15ojpys.jpgGreater Glyph of Force: +0.17 ability power per level (+3.06 at champion level 18)



2cymeyt.jpgGreater Quintessence of Force: +0.43 ability power per level (+7.74 at champion level 18)




Full ability power per level runes. Only other alternatetive for a caster champion would consider is magic penetration runes (there are exceptions), but this is covered in the build and their is no reason to have any more spell penetration due to the fact that it does not go negetive. Only your passive and Abysal Scepter contribute to the oppenent's negetive magical resistance.


                                                        Spells lvl up Order



1.[W] 5xsmxk.jpgDrain

2.[Q] 211jk82.jpgTerrify

3.[W] 5xsmxk.jpgDrain

4.[Q] 211jk82.jpgTerrify


6.[R] 10x8px1.jpg Crowstorm

7.[W] 5xsmxk.jpgDrain

8.[Q] 211jk82.jpgTerrify

9.[W] 5xsmxk.jpgDrain

10.[Q] 211jk82.jpgTerrify

11.[R] 10x8px1.jpgCowstorm

12.[E] 2j42b77.jpgDark Wind

13.[E] 2j42b77.jpgDark Wind

14.[E] 2j42b77.jpgDark Wind

15.[E] 2j42b77.jpgDark Wind

16.[R] 10x8px1.jpgCrowstorm

17.[E] 2j42b77.jpgDark Wind

18.[E] 2j42b77.jpgDark Wind






                                                                          Item Build


I made an image to make it easier to refer.





-Total Cost:

-----Build with Banshee's Veil and Abysal Scepter: 12732

-----Build with Banshee's Veil: 13227

-----Build without Banshee's Veil: 13162



                                            Fiddlesticks Final Items















                                          Videos GamePlay








  On 10/30/2011 at 2:35 PM, Finito said:

ye, copy/paste from an ancieeeent guide lol


Copy/paste? lol man i miss all me time to do this and you say copy paste pffff.

There will never again make guide...because they always say bad words.....


Who believe that my guide sucks~> LoCked

  On 10/30/2011 at 2:40 PM, BoOmBoOm™ said:

Copy/paste? lol man i miss all me time to do this and you say copy paste pffff.

There will never again make guide...because they always say bad words.....

[GR]malaka ta aglika s einai xeirotera apta dika m xd
  On 10/30/2011 at 2:40 PM, BoOmBoOm™ said:

Copy/paste? lol man i miss all me time to do this and you say copy paste pffff.

There will never again make guide...because they always say bad words.....


Who believe that my guide sucks~> LoCked

All this time?

Some items at the guide dont exist anymore

Screenshots are BEFORE season 1

And english at the guide are PERFECT , and yours suck.

So dont come and tell me, that u made it.

  On 10/30/2011 at 2:50 PM, Finito said:

All this time?

Some items at the guide dont exist anymore

Screenshots are BEFORE season 1

And english at the guide are PERFECT , and yours suck.

So dont come and tell me, that u made it.

xa0x0a0x0a why Who told you that I made myself?




6dark wind? +1item doesnt exist any more



if you believe that my guide is useless you can Lock it...

  On 10/30/2011 at 3:02 PM, BoOmBoOm™ said:

xa0x0a0x0a why Who told you that I made myself?




if you believe that my guide is useless you can Lock it...

give credits then cuz you humiliated yourself double times(clopy paste + outdated guide)...btw i m not gonna lock it cuz it hasnt anything against the rules


-mejais is low level item along with leviathan,occult

-no jungling route? :D woot woot

-no jungle guide? :P

-fail runes


-frozen heart instead of rabadons and RoA?



have fun


this guide is pretty fial tho

you don't even use Fiddle's silence?


you dont jungle him, so thats a failure anyway


and about runes, personaly i always used flat ap runes

and flat cooldown runes, to max fiddle's drain early game!



anyway, love to see more fiddle lovers :D

he's the champ i can play best. so

like to see more of fiddle :p

  On 10/30/2011 at 4:31 PM, Noble® said:

give credits then cuz you humiliated yourself double times(clopy paste + outdated guide)...btw i m not gonna lock it cuz it hasnt anything against the rules


-mejais is low level item along with leviathan,occult

-no jungling route? :D woot woot

-no jungle guide? :P

-fail runes


-frozen heart instead of rabadons and RoA?



have fun

actually belzebul's was locked cause it was kinda outdated, this is OVER outdated :P
  On 10/30/2011 at 5:25 PM, Finito said:

actually belzebul's was locked cause it was kinda outdated, this is OVER outdated :P

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