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Hello Dear members of MxC, I decided to share a guide for Ashe The frost archer... Including The Following List:


  • Few Words About Ashe
  • Stats
  • Skills + Items
  • Abilities
  • Tips
  • Credits


Few Words About Ashe




One of the perennial favorites of summoners in the League of Legends is the Freljordian beauty known as Ashe. She is a direct descendant of Avarosa - one of three legendary sisters who each claimed dominion over the scattered tribes dwelling in the icy tundra of northern Valoran. Ashe mirrors her ancestor's unparalleled mastery of the bow, earning her the title of ''The Frost Archer'' the way Avarosa did during her era. Ashe is a literal Princess amongst her people, though she prefers to be addressed by outsiders as her tribal title rather than any form of royal moniker. There are those in Freljord, however, that would prefer to address Ashe as the ''late'' Frost Archer; the other two tribes that are descendants from the Three Sisters are historically sworn enemies of Ashe and her people. Having survived more than one assassination attempt in her life, Ashe is always aware of her surroundings regardless of where she is.


Ashe originally came to the Institute of War in service of the League summoners, seeking enough influence and favor to finally bring peace to her realm - one that has endured civil strife since Avarosa and the Time of the Three Sisters. With countless victories under her belt, she has started to put the influence she has earned in the League to use. Rumors abound that Ashe has begun to associate herself with fellow champion Tryndamere outside of the Fields of Justice. While she denies such talk as frivolous, all eyes will remain on Ashe now that her success in the League may finally allow her to restore lasting peace to her people.


''It's a good idea to spread out. Ashe can hit five birds with one arrow.'' - Tryndamere.




  • Damage 46.3 (+2.85 / per level)
  • Health 359 (+79 / per level)
  • Mana 173 (+27 / per level)
  • Move Speed 300
  • Armor 9.3 (+3.4 / per level)
  • Spell Block 30 (+0 / per level)
  • Health Regen 0.9 (+0.11 / per level)
  • Mana Regen 1.26 (+0.08 / per level)


Recommended Items


SLH5.gifDoran's Blade : +100 Health +10 Attack Damage +3% Life Steal


nDk7.gif:Boots Of Swiftness - UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement 3 (does not stack with other Boots)


tCnc.gif:Last Whisper +40 Attack Damage UNIQUE Passive: +40% Armor Penetration


MstQh.gif:Infinity Edge - +80 Attack Damage +25% Critical Strike Chance UNIQUE Passive: Your critical strikes now deal 250% damage instead of 200%.


ArdG1.gif:Banshee's Veil - +375 Health +375 Mana +50 Magic Resist UNIQUE Passive: Gain a spell shield that blocks the next incoming enemy ability (45 second cooldown).


srCTK.gif: Phantom Dancer - +55% Attack Speed +30% Critical Strike Chance +15% Movement Speed.




M48Xv.gifFrost Shot:While active, each of Ashe's basic attacks slow her targets. This drains Mana with each attack.

Toggle: Ashe's basic attacks slow her targets by 15/20/25/30/35% for 2/2/2/2/2 seconds.

Cost 8/8/8/8/8 Mana per Attack Range 600


Ngz4M.gifVolley:Ashe fires 7 arrows in a cone for increased damage. Volley also applies Ashe's current level of Frost Shot.

Ashe fires 7/7/7/7/7 arrows in a cone, dealing 40/50/60/70/80 (+) physical damage. Volley also applies Frost Shot.

Cost 60/60/60/60/60 Mana Range 600


ksfIK.gifVolley:Each time Ashe kills a unit, she gains some extra gold. Ashe can activate to send her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission.

Passive: Ashe gains 1/2/3/4/5 extra gold whenever she kills a unit.


Active: Ashe animates a hawk to scout for her, revealing terrain as it flies toward target location.

Cost No Cost Range 6000


HAIz1.gifEnchanted Crystal Arrow - Ashe fires a missile of ice in a straight line. If the arrow collides with an enemy Champion, it deals damage and stuns the Champion for up to 3.5 seconds, based on how far the arrow has traveled. In addition, surrounding enemy units take damage and are slowed.

Fires a large arrow in a straight line. If it hits an enemy champion, it will deal 250/425/600 (+1) magic damage and stun that champion for up to 3.5/3.5/3.5 seconds, based on the distance the arrow traveled. Additionally, surrounding units take half the damage and are slowed by 50/50/50% for 3/3/3 seconds.

Cost 150/150/150 Mana Range 25000


9cKwG.gifFocus:Focus - While out of combat, Ashe's Critical Strike chance increases every 3 seconds for her next attack.




  • Try to fire Enchanted Crystal Arrow in the same direction enemies are moving, so it is more likely to hit.
    Summoner Teleport can be used after Enchanted Crystal Arrow to attack far away units while they're stunned.
  • Hawkshot reveals units in brush. If a team fight is occuring in the jungle it can give you a significant advantage.


Credits:Pictures League Of Legends



the only thing you must learn to play ashe is the ultimate.

I have made some really great awesome arrows.But they all were w/o lol replay :(


anyway, rly bad and useless guide lol

couldnt expect something more  or less from babylon anyway :P

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