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Talon The Blade's Shadow


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Talon's earliest memories are the darkness of Noxus' underground passages and the reassuring steel of a blade. He remembers no family, warmth, or kindness. Instead, the clink of stolen gold and the security of a wall at his back are all the kinship he has ever craved. Kept alive only by his quick wits and deft thievery, Talon scraped out a living in the seedy underbelly of Noxus. His mastery of the blade quickly marked him as a threat, and Noxian guilds sent assassins to him with a demand: join their ranks or be killed. He left the bodies of his pursuers dumped in Noxus' moat as his response.


The assassination attempts grew increasingly dangerous until one assailant met Talon blade-for-blade in a match of strength. To his surprise, Talon was disarmed and facing down his executioner's sword when the assassin revealed himself to be General Du Couteau. The General offered Talon the choice between death at his hand, or life as an agent of the Noxian High Command. Talon chose life, on the condition that his service was to Du Couteau alone, for the only type of orders he could respect were from one he could not defeat. Talon remained in the shadows, carrying out secret missions on Du Couteau's orders that took him from the frigid lands of Freljord to the inner sanctums of Bandle City. When the general vanished, Talon considered reclaiming his freedom, but he had gained immense respect for Du Couteau after years in his service. He became obsessed with tracking down the general's whereabouts. Talon's suspicions led him to the doors of the Institute of War, where he joined the League of Legends in order to find those responsible for Du Couteau's disappearance.


''The three deadliest blademasters in all of Valoran are bound to the house of Du Couteau: my father, myself, and Talon. Challenge us, if you dare.'' - Katarina Du Couteau












talonmercy.png Mercy:Talon deal's 10% more damage with his basic attacks to any target that is slowed,stunned,immobilized, or suppressed.


talonnoxiandiplomacy.png Noxian Diplomacy: Talon's next basic attack deals an additional physical damage. If the target is a champion, they will bleed, taking additional physical damage over a period of time and revealing their location for the duration.


talonrake.png Rake: Talon sends out a volley of daggers that then return back to him, dealing physical damage every time it passes through an enemy. Additionally the enemy is slowed for a short duration.


taloncutthroat.png Cutthroat: Talon instantly appears behind his target, silencing them and amplifying his damage against that target.


talonshadowassault.png Shadow Assault (Ultimate): Talon disperses a ring of blades and gains stealth while gaining additional Movement Speed. When Talon emerges from stealth, the blades converge on his location. Every time a blade passes through an enemy, they receive physical damage.







Greater Mark of Desolation x9

Greater Seal of Resilience x9

Greater Glyph of Shielding x4

Greater Glyph of Alacrity x5

Greater Quintessence of Desolation x3






Start with bootsofspeed.gif And 3 Healing Potion


Then  berserkersgreaves.gif

Now  u select what u want for first

item73jpg.gif ortrinityforce.gif

After make the other(If u select trinity for first item then make The blood.)


---->item29jpg.gif Or Frozen Mallet

And Last theblackcleaver.gif



Flash Exhaust



U can use ur ulti  to bilk

Use E then Q for spam

Dont enter first in team fight  w8 for  their carry and kill him

U can farm  enough easy!






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Why should we choose these spesific items?By the way, IMO, Frozen Mallet is a needed item for Talon.


It's not necessary as long as he benefits from Trinity Force.

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The whole build sucks---thats the truth...

1.skills-u max W first for great farm and harras

2.runes-acceptable but preffer cd on talon

3.masteries- fail point in archaic knowledge he is full AD no magic.pen needed ...better use 21/6/3

4.items- glass canon build does not work on talon... my build

  1.Dorans Blade

  2.Berserker Greaves

  3.(Brutalizer)if u feel like u need cd

  4.Trinity Force

  5.(Frozen Mallet) u can get it later or not at all



  8.Force of Nature or if u will like more dmg then go for Bloodthirster



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The whole build sucks---thats the truth...

1.skills-u max W first for great farm and harras

2.runes-acceptable but preffer cd on talon

3.masteries- fail point in archaic knowledge he is full AD no magic.pen needed ...better use 21/6/3

1. I max Q and my farm is just awesome!!!


3.Oups !!! Miss click !!! thx i didnt notice it!  I use 4/4  Alacrity


I BELIEVE frozen Malet isnt  2  necessary!


I use this build and  never NEver had problem..

I  dont use survive items cause i play full dps  and my tactic is to w8 the enemy ad/ap and kill it very fast

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  • 7 months later...

First u need tenacity ok??? Second Banshees Vayle Frozen Mallet???...... Ok if u have kills and no deaths with that build u are pro... Also u use Tanky runes at Assasin????OMG... Go play pacman... LoL is a team game not wait hit and kill ONE!!!!

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