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Hi, I used to GM at the Kingdom of Kings in C3, and C4, and they are back Live since a March 19 (only 10 days ago).

I will be playing there again as normal player, and would encourage everyone here to do as well.


Kingdom of Kings Network Info


Website: http://www.kingdomofkings.com


Lineage 2 Hellbound:


- This is a server community that has been around for years, accumulating well over 4000 users.

- The team is experienced, and the Dev team is the best you will find anywhere. (The Owner, Ahmed is an L2J developer)

- Any dreams you have will come true in this community.

- The Staff is not snobbish or stuck up.

- The staff will talk and help every respectful player




Kingdom of Kings High Rate Server Info:


- Experience Rate: 2000x R3tail

- SP Rate: 2000x R3tail

- Party Rate: 2x R3tail

- Adena Rate: 1000x R3tail

- Drop Rate: 1x R3tail

- Spoil Rate: 1x R3tail


- Auto-Loot Enabled

- Auto Learn Skills

- R3tail Enchant Limit -> UNLIMITED (So no enchant limit)

- R3tail Enchant Rate (So it'll be extremely tough)

- Enchant Scrolls (I want it to be as hard as retail to obtain them, if not harder)

- R3tail Buff Limit

- R3tail Buff Stats excluding time, I will make it 5 hours (5 hours could change though, still thinking here)

- No patches to play, only hosts file modification. (So no illegal client modding)

- GM Shop, no enchant scrolls available, and no Dynasty armor through GM shop.

- Universal GateKeeper, with all towns, common training locations for different level regions.

- Max Level 85, from 80-85, it will be hard to level, with custom mobs and custom locations.

- Wedding System

- Automated Team vs Team Event

- Class Changer (No need for class change quests)

- No Donations, if you want to support the servers costs fine, but you won't get any reward for it.

- Augmentation

- Sieges

- Clan Halls

- Manor System

- Olympiad

- Noblesse

- Dimentional Rift

- Raidbosses

- Seven Signs

- Fishing

- Boats

- Pets

- Zariche and Akamanah

- Chaotic Throne Transformations

- C1 - CT1 Player Skills

- Increased Running Speed

- Increased Weight Limit

- Cancel Removed from ALL NPC's

- 0 tolerance for corruption, exploitation, and un-fair game play (Don't expect to befriend a staff member to give you some gear)

- No Begging

- No open Racial Slurs

- No Advertising of unaffiliated Game Servers

- 100% Fair and Balanced Game Play


I hope to see you all there!


My experience with KoK back in the day was hardly satisfactory...

If you werent a dagger with crit. para dagger, you sucked.

If you weren't friends with a GM, you sucked.  I saw one of their GM's port an entire clan so they could get their drops back when they pked my group and we owned them.

If you played, you better have a second comp or a T.V. due to the literal 20 minute lag freezes.


Yeah... The only upside was that it was a pvp server with alot of customization.


sess, you know I'm not going to lie, what you said about the corruption with the Staff was true, that was when Ahmed (the owner), had to go for some funeral and left the server in the hands of 3 people with full access, Grandmaster, ToXiC, and Satafa32.... Grandmaster and ToXiC were about as corrupt as you could get and yeah they did a lot of crap that I told Ahmed all about when he got back (about 8 weeks later), check the staff and see if they're there hahaha...


Ahmed has actually revoked all access to anyone to directly access the server and modify stuff without being logged, he cut down his of 20 to something like 11-13 now lol... (i was one of the cuts due to inactivity, but I'll probably change that), but most of the other cuts were due to people not being "fit" to be part of the staff... he's basically tightened up all the lose ends...


The server just went live like the 19th, so don't expect many players on there, and he hasn't advertised it much either. So I'm trying to help him advertise it cause I want more people to own/befriend :).... I'd say the population is around 20-30 atm... which is pretty decent and it'll go way up once this "secret plan" of his goes up lol....


tcceza (probably a maintenance he announces them in game :))


Btw i don't know if someone from here or someone from somewhere else heard of the server or not, but i saw a msg in game with someone saying F this server for its retail safe and retail enchant rate.


When i talked to Ahmed, he basically explained to me his theory behind why he chose retail buff limit, retail enchant safe and retail enchant success, and why he did some things "retail" and that is because in order to have it truly balanced you must no doubt keep the enchants at a "retail like" number, and buffs to a "retail like" setting.


Kingdom of Kings has the shops set up really nicely... its also built to give a great economy.... maybe not of adena, but for example "0's" (an item you get as a reward from the TvT event which you use to buy Event prizes which are really nice btw :), encourages mass pvp when the population gets higher), and Four-Leaf-Golden Clover coins... which are used with 0's and adena to buy the Dynasty items.....


Thats another great thing here.... you can get top S grade gear but once your level 80, you will still have something to do :)... you'll have stuff to work for.... basically you'll need to be noblesse, get a bunch of those clover coins, participate in TvT's, and get some small amount of adena before you can actually get the new end game features of l2... you get all the features in L2 but in a nice way to help the game play keep going so people don't get level 80 and are like what now?


Btw, tested the skills on the server, and the classes, and there is NO over powered classes, they're all perfect. Skills are really nicely done, they've got signets working. I usually liked to complain about stuff for him to fix, but amazingly I'm having less to complain about every day..... :( I guess soon I'll have nothing to speak of hahaha



Overall I also feel their community is great.... I don't know anyone that participates in the community and is neglected. If anyone has a moment to spare and help you they probably will, especially the staff.


Anyway, thats just my 2 cents on my favorite server...


//offtopic Wow,upon my reply there is a HUGE reply..hehe,i didnt even bothered to read it cause i never played on this server so i cant know what he talks about corruption and stuff..anyway


//ontopic from the discription seems nice,ill give it a try but i hope the thing with corruption will be solvednow,right?i dont want to play fair and others have GM help...


I have signed up on the forum and was checking things out to see if its still the same old laggy server, and it seems it isnt.

Havent played the new version, but was the 999k attack speed for melees fixed?


As for corruption, it was ToXic that I was talking about.  Me and my group (4-5 others) were in GoE farming the trees when the clan who thought they were the best came and pk'd us.  We went back, killed them but we also died due to aggroing like 20 trees in the process since they were running.

Well, we kill them and they drop their items and they dont respawn so we think they would just port back... Well, Toxic recalls them on top of the level dividers so they cant attack and kills all the monsters around their drops.  Lovely.


Glad shes gone.


I have signed up on the forum and was checking things out to see if its still the same old laggy server, and it seems it isnt.

Havent played the new version, but was the 999k attack speed for melees fixed?


As for corruption, it was ToXic that I was talking about.  Me and my group (4-5 others) were in GoE farming the trees when the clan who thought they were the best came and pk'd us.  We went back, killed them but we also died due to aggroing like 20 trees in the process since they were running.

Well, we kill them and they drop their items and they dont respawn so we think they would just port back... Well, Toxic recalls them on top of the level dividers so they cant attack and kills all the monsters around their drops.  Lovely.


Glad shes gone.


Oh yeah... that atk spd bug is fixed, and just about any bug you knew is currently fixed, and if its not just tell Ahmed and he'll put it as a priority in the L2J Dev team...


The new version is pretty well thought out I'd say (or I'd seriously not type up all this support for it lol)... now all its lacking is players...


Yeah Ahmed came back and cleaned up the hell out of everything... ToXiC was gone for good after Ahmed got sick and tired of his double stabbing ass (actually there is a thread, maybe its still public, with ToXiC "resigning" after being banned from his GM toon, and Ahmed posts back and wtfowns him with posts like 6x the length of mine)....


btw this is the old GM Invisible...the person who made Alligator island and put the customizations by the KoK Client modding team (unfortunately no more client modding xD) hehehe... (idk if you were one of those people that enjoyed it a lot... but i know many others did :P, maybe if I can manage some time between school, and work I can get to re-earning my status as a GM and making it again :P)....


Btw what clan was it that PK'd you? Was it PeeKay/420?


i just played it for a bit and it seemed like a server with alot of potential!!

I liked how the buffs only costed 100 adena and lasted 4 hours


Overall i'd say the server was about a 7 out of 10


but if u know ahmed u know he will keep working till its a 10 out of 10


Amen, buffs are 5 hours, but since client doesn't start it off at 5 hours it does 4:59.99, and doesnt show you all the details that lead you to 5 hours instead of 4 (wow i don't think that will make sense to some ppl :D)


I used to play there for a week but now im not playing not cuz the server isn't good just cuz its booring im going to farm and im getting owned by the guyz that already have their toon weapons.... And im bored cuz you are aways getting pkeTard by "PrO's" or "The Best" players in the serrver... However i find this server interesting and you wont regret it if you join cuz once you're with cool items i think you'll have a lot of fun pking/pvping low dudes X.D have fun.


Yeah, the clan was PeeKay.

Not sure what name I used, but I had some of the best gear on the server legitly.  I know for a fact I had a +23 crit para dagger and no one could kill me unless they had atleast 2 other people with crit para.


The people that killed my group, cant remember exact names but 2 were TH, one HE and another was a DA I believe.



I also liked the golkonda/HV raid boss buff bug xD


@sess... dang good memory hahaha....


EDIT: just looked and some of that clan still remains....



@HaCkz0r you must be joking.... farm? its a high rate with 2000x rates and 1000x adena rate what will you "farm" for lol... please stop joking :)... if you mean when it was FIRST turned on like March 19-21, then yeah you are right the Adena cost for items in the shop was high for the adena rate, which btw if you check was adjusted ;) and everyone in game got a "refund" for spending money on such highly priced items :).... point is... no need to farm lol... as a matter of fact, people are forking around hundreds of millions to ppl that ask for it (don't ask a gm though)... :)


well belive me or not i readed all you guys writed here (even that long long post :P ) and i formed an ideea and maybe is a great server BUT its Kamael :( if it was Interlude i would join but Kamael no thx. I still think its a shit. Because its still new(look to an Interlude server its like almost perfect because it has been developed well) after some months Kamael will be good at l2j too but now... no.

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