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Most Annoying Champions [?!]


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So, who's the most annoying champ for you guys?


Teemo really pisses me off at early gaming.All he does is spam and when I've got the chanse to attack him, he blinds me and I miss until I'm dead.


Rammus' taunt is pretty annoying aswell.It provokes you to attack the God Damn turret at early games and it's even more annoying when he uses it in ganks.

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tryndamere, all guys dont know how to play against him and they feed him like hell.


Lol, I've never faced a fed Tryndamere since level 20 :S

He always get fed, even me when I use him.

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Karthus' ulti is indeed annoying.Especially when you know you're on low HP and you know that you'll die but there's nothing you can do.


The only champions who can avoid his ulti are Nocturne, Master Yi, Vladimir.

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Karthus' ulti is indeed annoying.Especially when you know you're on low HP and you know that you'll die but there's nothing you can do.


The only champions who can avoid his ulti are Nocturne, Master Yi, Vladimir.

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