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Hello maxcheaters community, here is my first guide about Sion, The Undead Champion playing as a dps champion.






Damage 55.52 (+3.1875 / per level)

Health 473 (+104 / per level)

Mana 175 (+25 / per level)

Move Speed 315

Armor 17.75 (+3.25 / per level)

Spell Block 30 (+0 / per level)

Health Regen 1.62 (+0.2 / per level)

Mana Regen 0.76 (+0.04 / per level)



Recommended Items:


1027.gif Sapphire Crystal

3111.gif Mercury's Treads

3057.gif Sheen

3005.gif Atma's Impaler

3026.gif Guardian Angel

3102.gif Banshee's Veil



14-1.gif  Cryptic Gaze - Sion's stare terrifies a single enemy, dealing damage and stunning them.

Blasts a single enemy, dealing 70/125/180/240/300 (+1) magic damage and stunning for 2 seconds.


Cost: 100/100/100/100/100 Mana

Range: 550


14-2.gif  Death's Caress - Sion surrounds himself with a damage absorbing shield. If the shield is not destroyed in 10 seconds then it will explode, dealing damage to surrounding enemies. Cast again after 4 seconds to manually detonate.

Sion surrounds himself with a shield which absorbs 120/170/220/270/320 (+1) damage. If the shield is not destroyed in 10 seconds, it will explode, dealing 120/170/220/270/320 (+1) magic damage to surrounding enemies.


Cast again after 4 seconds to manually detonate.


Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 Mana

Range: 1


14-3.gifEnrage- While active Sion deals extra physical damage at the cost of health. Additonally, he permanently increases his maximum health whenever he kills a unit.

Toggle: Increase Sion's damage by 25/35/45/55/65, and he gains 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 maximum health per kill.


Cost: Costs 6/8/10/12/14 Health

Range: 1


14-4.gifCannibalism- Sion consumes some of his enemies life force on each attack, leeching health to himself and nearby allies. The smell of flesh also renews Sion's fervor, increasing his attack speed.

Grants Sion 50/75/100% lifesteal and 50% attack speed for 20 seconds, additionally Sion's attacks heal surrounding allies for 25/37.5/50% of damage dealt.


Cost: 100/100/100 Mana

Range: 1


14-5.gifFeel No Pain - Sion has a 40% chance to ignore up to 30/40/50 damage each time he is attacked. The damage reduction is calculated before armor benefits are taken into account.




    * Using Enrage early helps Sion in the late game. When Sion kills something his health is increased permanently and Enrage makes it easier to last hit resulting in better gold farming.

    * Cryptic Gaze and Cannibalize can both be used in a defensive manner to save allies and sustain pushes.





i focus to get 100% crt chance and a lot of ad so i will be able to kill enemies with 2-3 hits-crits.


1056.gifDoran's Ring

3006.gifBerserker's Greaves

3142.gifYoumuu's Ghostblade

3046.gifPhantom Dancer

3031.gifInfinity Edge

3005.gifAtma's Impaler

3046.gifPhantom Dancer


start with doran's ring and ur Q so you will have some mp regen and u can use your Q more often. after 15-20 min, you can sell it. also be sure to farm a lot of minions so you will have a lot of hp from E's passive and a lot of p atk from atma's passive. after full build you will have sth like 300 ad or more.










AD marks

AS seals

AS glyphs

AS quintessences


(2 quints are missing because i dont have enough ip to buy them.)


Skills' Build






spell_14.jpgFlash (Teleports your Champion to target nearby location. Flash pops incoming projectiles when used.)

spell_11.jpgIgnite (Ignite is a damage over time spell that targets a single champion, dealing 50 damage plus 25 damage per level over 5 seconds and reduces the target's healing and regeneration by 50%. This damage is not lowered by armor or magic resistance.)





this is my playing style and i love it.


thank you, yours WeirdSituation.


2quint are missing lol

(2 quints are missing because i dont have enough ip to buy them.)



tard you should make this guide some days ago when Sion was free :(

i knew it, you should buy him or wait some weeks 8)

Terribad runes + masteries + items :/


Also why do you max stun first? You need E for AD and bonus health for Atma's impaler.

this is my playing style and i love it.


this is the way i am playing sion and all these games, are great.

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