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Lineage II Ruthless x35 High Five


Lineage II Ruthless x35 High Five

  It’s time to tell your brothers, your sisters, your family, and friends about this new epic event.  Now what is this epic event I speak of? The RELEASE of Lineage II Ruthless.  This will be a server that the world has never seen before.  Consisting of the following:



----------------------------------LIVE 26th DECEMBER!!!!!----------------------------------

--------------its by far the most developed and best High Five Server arround here--------------



XP: 35x


Startinglevel: 80

Mana System: Highly increased mana regen (Does not affect olympiad)


Main Town:

Rune Castle Town.


Pvp and Battle Point System:

Fame used to by items is earned through PvPs, this has protection such as no clan killing, no same-ip killing, and logging consecutive kills.


Custom Areas:

* Beginners Farming Zone

* Veteran Farming Zone

* This Zones also for leveling



* Easy Raidbosses

* Medium Raidbosses

* Hard Raidbosses

* Grand Raidbosses - Works like retail with movies etc.



* Team vs Team vs Team - Yes 3 way!

* Capture the flag

* Poker, yes we have poker ingame if you dont want to farm.

* and alot Custom Events



* GMShop

* NPCBuffer

* Global Teleporter

* Event Shop

* PvP Shop

* BountyHunter System

* Battle Point System

* Anti-Bot System

* Custom Recipes

* Killstreaks


* very experienced Staff

* Dungeons...yes we have Dungeons and we are the only Server that have them

* Solo Instances !!!!

* Clan Instances

* Party Instances

* Conquerable Zones

* Offline Shop


Alot more on our website, check the features!


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  • 3 months later...

The server just turned live few hours ago. 100+ players already and theres already mass pvp.



i can just confirm that and correct the online players to 150+ after some hours :D



we are ranked 5th at: http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/

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