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L2Fileedit Lindvior & Valiance (Ddfs) Updated

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Hi All, here another Share, these are some ddfs for GoD CLient, the most important of them:

        itemname-k.ddf        itemstatdata.ddf        weapongrp.ddf        etcitemgrp.ddf
        armorgrp.ddf        npcgrp.ddf

Update 1:

        chargrp.ddf        additionaleffect.ddf

Update 2:

        New H5 & God DDFs:
        additionalitemgrp.ddf        exceptionminimapdata.ddf        goodsicon.dat        mantleexception.dat        posteffectdata.dat        npcgrp.ddf (New For H5)

        New GOD DDFs:

        skillgrp.ddf        questname-k.ddf        pawnanimdata.ddf        MSConditionData.ddf        weaponenchanteffectdata.ddf        flymovename-k.ddf
        flashconfig.ddf        dynamiccontentsname-k.ddf        dualcasttypedata.ddf        alterskilldata.ddf        actionname-k.ddf        24hzschema.ddf
        AnimationCombo.ddf        credit-k.ddf        creditgrp-k.ddf        usmmoviedata.ddf        usmmoviedata-k.ddf        statisticname-k.ddf
        warningnotice-k.ddf        zonename-k.ddf        shuttledata.ddf        shortcutalias.ddf        questmarkconditiondata.ddf

Update 3
        weaponenchanteffectdata.ddf fixed        itemname-k.ddf fixed

and another 34 ddfs that are still compatible with the GoD client since H5.

Btw this is not a leech. i made the ddfs in red color, the green ones too but in a way easier than the previous, i talk about this Share and this topic so thanx to l2smod :) for this share, i could do the others, then to understand some things.

«----------------------- Last Edit: 17 September 2011, 04:26:55 by Allengc -----------------------»

Update 4

        New Tauti ddfs

        itemname-e.ddf new version by me        chargrp.ddf Fixed by me        DynamicContentsName-e.ddf new version by me
        AdditionalEffect.ddf Remade by ?        ExceptionMinimapData.ddf Fixed by ?        GameTip-e.ddf Fixed by ?        npcgrp.ddf fixed by Anonymous, Hint
        PawnAnimData.ddf Fixed by ?        QuestName-e.ddf Fixed by sakaszli        weapongrp.ddf fixed by Anonymous, Hint

        New GloryDays ddfs
        npcgrp.ddf  Fixed by sakaszli        armorgrp.ddf  Fixed by ?        ProductName-e.ddf  Fixed by ?        AbnormalDefaultEffect.ddf New ddf by ?       
        EventContentsGoalName-e.ddf New ddf by ?        EventContentsName-e.ddf New ddf by ?

Update 5 Lindvior ddfs

        New ddfs
        SetItemGrp-k.ddf        colorexgrp.ddf        colorExName-k.ddf        faceexgrp.ddf        faceExName-k.ddf
        hairexgrp.ddf        hairExName-k.ddf        EventLookChange.ddf        FullArmorEnchantEffectData.ddf        PIAgreement-k.ddf

        Ddfs Fixed
        itemname-k.ddf        Armorgrp.ddf        Weapongrp.ddf        EtcItemgrp.ddf        Chargrp.ddf        Npcgrp.ddf        AdditionalItemgrp.ddf
        AlterSkillData.ddf        Recipe-c.ddf        QuestName-k.ddf        PostEffectData.ddf        PawnAnimData.ddf        EventContentsGoalName-k.ddf

Update 6 Valiance Kr ddfs

        New ddfs

        Ddfs Fixed
        Armorgrp.ddf        Weapongrp.ddf        EtcItemgrp.ddf        Chargrp.ddf        Npcgrp.ddf        transformdata.ddf      hairexgrp.ddf


Update 7 Valiance ddfs

        Armorgrp.ddf fixed        Chargrp.ddf fixed        colorexgrp.ddf fixed        EtcItemgrp.ddf fixed        EventContentsGoalName-e.ddf fixed
        faceexgrp.ddf fixed        FlashConfig.ddf fixed        hairexgrp.ddf fixed        ItemName-e.ddf Fixed by sakaszli        Npcgrp.ddf fixed
        SetItemGrp-e.ddf        Skillgrp.ddf Fixed by sakaszli        Weapongrp.ddf fixed



the DDFS in yellow were not fixed ​​by me and I'm not sure about the credits of some of them  (?) :).

Tested with the last GoD Valiance update.

Edited by Allengc
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good work ,Btw how can i open the ddf files in the folder?noobish question, but i just dont know how, and am prety shure others dont know how too

You dont have to open DDF Files. You have just to unzip the file editor and take a normal GOD system and decrypt  weapongrp or any of the other files the poster posted on the first post.

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