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Everything posted by kuriku

  1. There are any error missages in the log¿? Look in core-side, at L2Character.java and be sure you paste correctly the code. If the problem still exists, paste the full file here.
  2. Oops, I forgot completly add the file with the mods in existents files in Core and DP side, my fault. But now it's re-uploaded. Thnx!
  3. If you think you found any bug or exploit, I'll try to fix it
  4. Please delete this post, now it's free here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178493-sharel2j-shot-the-dog-event/
  5. For High Five, L2j Here it comes Shot The Dog Event. Now for free Players are divided in two teams and they must fight transformed in Sniper Dogs with their Event Skills. In every kill they'll win Dollar Dogs, that they must use in the same Event to buy more powerful skills. The team that kill more enemies will won. Features: - Multiple Instance: You can choose if you want the script hand out the players in differents instances to avoid needless aglomerations - Full configurable Event (language, prizes for winners, losers and ties, time periods, automatic or non-automatic...) - Special GM Commands and special User Commands for the Event (incloudes and special event chat). Admin commands: shooter_menu - shows the admin event menu shooter_advance - advance the event to the next period shooter_abort - cancel the event shooter_reg_log - shows the log of the registred players once the event has started shooter_info - shows the actual configuration of the event shooter_score - shows the actual scores of the event in the different zones (if multiple instance option is active) shooter_eventchat_listen - turn on/off to listen the event chat for GMs - GM panel for the Event that changes between the differents periods - All users can participate although their levels and classes won't be the same. All stats inside the Event are statics (Elemental stats doesn't affect). - The Event can be viewed by another players outside the event - Scores at the end of the Event Event full configurable: # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Laszlo Events Config # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Be sure you have "CustomNpcTable" and "CustomSkillsLoad" in true values, check your General.properties file. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shot The Dog Event # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable Event. Disable for not use. # Default: true ShooterEventEnable = true # Define your event language (htmls and system messages. For skills description use the correct skillname-e). # Default: english # Avaiable Options: english, spanish ShooterEventLang = english # If it is true, the event will start automatically at scheduled hours, set in "STDEventInterval" values. # Default: false ShooterEventAutomatic = true # Times Shot The Dog will occur (24h format). STDEventInterval = 16:20,15:45 # If the value is true, the script will create predeterminated instances (max 5) and replace the players in those if ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance exceeds the own value. # NOTE: if the value is false, all the participants will be in the same place. Use true to avoid innecessary aglomeration. # Default: true ShooterEventMultipleInstance = true # Allow the players to see the features of the event in the inscription NPC (max-min players, max-min levels, prizes...) # Default: true ShooterEventFeatureView = true # Num of minimun Participants # Default: 2 ShooterEventParticipantsMin = 2 # Num of maxim Participants in total. # Default: 200 ShooterEventParticipantsMaxTotal = 200 # If the value is true, there will be a max-min level for the inscription. # Default: true ShooterEventLevelLimit = true # if you don't want max level limit, write 99 ShooterEventLevelLimitMax = 99 ShooterEventLevelLimitMin = 40 # Num of maxim Participants in each instance. If the num of players exceeds this value, the script will redirect a equal num of players in differents event instances, to avoid inneccessary algomeration # NOTE: There are max five event instances for this event. Shot The Dog Event works properly if the math relation beetwen ShooterEventParticipantsMaxTotal and ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance is 5 # Default: 40 ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance = 4 # Reward ID # Default: 57 ShooterEventRewardId = 57 # Reward Quantity # Default: 10000 ShooterEventRewardQuant = 10000 # Reward for loser Team. If it is true, it will give a reward to the loser team # Default: false ShooterEventEnableRewardLoser = true # Reward ID for loser Team # Default: 57 ShooterEventRewardIdLoser = 57 # Reward Quantity for loser Team # Default: 10000 ShooterEventRewardQuantLoser = 1 # Reward for event ended in Tie. If it is true, both teams will have reward # Default: false ShooterEventEnableRewardTie = true # Reward ID for Tie situation # Default: 57 ShooterEventRewardIdTie = 57 # Reward Quantity for Tie situation # Default: 10000 ShooterEventRewardQuantTie = 100 #Inscription time once start announcments (in mseconds) # Default: 600000 (10 minuts) ShooterEventInscriptionTime = 600000 #Time to prepare party and skills once the event has started (in mseconds). Can't be inferior than 5. # Default: 30000 (30 seconds.) ShooterEventPreparationTime = 30000 #Duration of the Event (in mseconds) # Default: 600000 (10 minuts) ShooterEventProcessTime = 600000 #Time that allows the player view the stadistics of the event when it has ended (in mseconds). # Default: 300000 (5 minuts.) ShooterEventStadisticsTime = 300000 # Location for Inscription NPCs (3) Event spawn in form x,y,z[,heading] # Default Giran: 83403,148618,-3404,32049 # Default Aden: 147450,25813,-2012,17681 # Default Goddard: 147685,-55514,-2734,49151 ShooterEventNpc1Coordinates = 83403,148618,-3404,32049 ShooterEventNpc2Coordinates = 147450,25813,-2012,17681 ShooterEventNpc3Coordinates = 147685,-55514,-2734,49151 # Fire Friend (only skills) in Shot The Dog Event # Default: false ShooterEventFireFriend = false Links: https://mega.co.nz/#!0t1CWT6S!TSUuHQk_NcJMKzyQmghMXkWo2UIIx5IsFh28D7h3Ypk https://www.mediafire.com/?kirs0m1fwp06988 More Events coming soon! Credits by: Laszlo's Developers
  6. These locations are for Inscription NPCs, in Giran, Aden and Goddard. The Event occurs in Tully Workshop 1.
  7. For High Five, L2j Here it comes Shot The Dog Event. Players are divided in two teams and they must fight transformed in Sniper Dogs with their Event Skills. In every kill they'll win Dollar Dogs, that they must use in the same Event to buy more powerful skills. The team that kill more enemies will won. For: - If you are interested - If you have any question about the Event - If you wanna test it alone or with friends, you can of course! Contact with me with a private message or in my skype: krisydea [some photos attached at the post, soon more] [Video soon] Event full configurable: # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Laszlo Events Config # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Be sure you have "CustomNpcTable" and "CustomSkillsLoad" in true values, check your General.properties file. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shot The Dog Event # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable Event. Disable for not use. # Default: true ShooterEventEnable = true # Define your event language (htmls and system messages. For skills description use the correct skillname-e). # Default: english # Avaiable Options: english, spanish ShooterEventLang = english # If it is true, the event will start automatically at scheduled hours, set in "STDEventInterval" values. # Default: false ShooterEventAutomatic = true # Times Shot The Dog will occur (24h format). STDEventInterval = 16:20,15:45 # If the value is true, the script will create predeterminated instances (max 5) and replace the players in those if ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance exceeds the own value. # NOTE: if the value is false, all the participants will be in the same place. Use true to avoid innecessary aglomeration. # Default: true ShooterEventMultipleInstance = true # Allow the players to see the features of the event in the inscription NPC (max-min players, max-min levels, prizes...) # Default: true ShooterEventFeatureView = true # Num of minimun Participants # Default: 2 ShooterEventParticipantsMin = 2 # Num of maxim Participants in total. # Default: 200 ShooterEventParticipantsMaxTotal = 200 # If the value is true, there will be a max-min level for the inscription. # Default: true ShooterEventLevelLimit = true # if you don't want max level limit, write 99 ShooterEventLevelLimitMax = 99 ShooterEventLevelLimitMin = 40 # Num of maxim Participants in each instance. If the num of players exceeds this value, the script will redirect a equal num of players in differents event instances, to avoid inneccessary algomeration # NOTE: There are max five event instances for this event. Shot The Dog Event works properly if the math relation beetwen ShooterEventParticipantsMaxTotal and ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance is 5 # Default: 40 ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance = 4 # Reward ID # Default: 57 ShooterEventRewardId = 57 # Reward Quantity # Default: 10000 ShooterEventRewardQuant = 10000 # Reward for loser Team. If it is true, it will give a reward to the loser team # Default: false ShooterEventEnableRewardLoser = true # Reward ID for loser Team # Default: 57 ShooterEventRewardIdLoser = 57 # Reward Quantity for loser Team # Default: 10000 ShooterEventRewardQuantLoser = 1 # Reward for event ended in Tie. If it is true, both teams will have reward # Default: false ShooterEventEnableRewardTie = true # Reward ID for Tie situation # Default: 57 ShooterEventRewardIdTie = 57 # Reward Quantity for Tie situation # Default: 10000 ShooterEventRewardQuantTie = 100 #Inscription time once start announcments (in mseconds) # Default: 600000 (10 minuts) ShooterEventInscriptionTime = 600000 #Time to prepare party and skills once the event has started (in mseconds). Can't be inferior than 5. # Default: 30000 (30 seconds.) ShooterEventPreparationTime = 30000 #Duration of the Event (in mseconds) # Default: 600000 (10 minuts) ShooterEventProcessTime = 600000 #Time that allows the player view the stadistics of the event when it has ended (in mseconds). # Default: 300000 (5 minuts.) ShooterEventStadisticsTime = 300000 # Location for Inscription NPCs (3) Event spawn in form x,y,z[,heading] # Default Giran: 83403,148618,-3404,32049 # Default Aden: 147450,25813,-2012,17681 # Default Goddard: 147685,-55514,-2734,49151 ShooterEventNpc1Coordinates = 83403,148618,-3404,32049 ShooterEventNpc2Coordinates = 147450,25813,-2012,17681 ShooterEventNpc3Coordinates = 147685,-55514,-2734,49151 # Fire Friend (only skills) in Shot The Dog Event # Default: false ShooterEventFireFriend = false Price: 10 € and for free: - Any support about our scripts - Any update about the bought script For payament mode, contact with me with a private message or in my skype: krisydea More Events will come soon! Laszlo's Developers
  8. The problem is with the visualization of the mesh (you can't see anything of the weapon) ¿? The problem is with the textures (you can see the weapon but it's awful and grey) ¿? The problem is with the Hero Aura ( ¿LineageEffect.e_u092_h? )¿? We need more information. Or a screen.
  9. Look if you have the L2Radar correctly imported: import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.RadarControl; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Radar; And for "config.CTF_EVENT_INTERVAL" look if you have modified the config file and insert all the CTF options. If it is not the solution, change the CTF_EVENT_INTERVAL por a numbers of your choose (the real interval between CTF Events).
  10. How to solve the unequip weapon problem (it's anoying the f***ing message on the log): Remember had imported: import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.InventoryUpdate; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.Inventory; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2ItemInstance; public static void addFlagToPlayer(L2PcInstance _player) { //remove items from the player hands (right, left, both) // This is NOT a BUG, I don't want them to see the icon they have 8D L2ItemInstance wpnR = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); L2ItemInstance wpnL = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (wpnR == null) wpnR = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); if (wpnL == null) wpnL = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (wpnR != null && wpnL != null) { L2ItemInstance[] unequipedR =player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(wpnR.getItem().getBodyPart()); L2ItemInstance[] unequipedL =player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(wpnL.getItem().getBodyPart()); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); for (L2ItemInstance itemR: unequipedR) iu.addModifiedItem(itemR); for (L2ItemInstance itemL: unequipedL) iu.addModifiedItem(itemL); player.sendPacket(iu); } else if (wpnR == null && wpnL != null) { L2ItemInstance[] unequipedL =player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(wpnL.getItem().getBodyPart()); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); for (L2ItemInstance itemL: unequipedL) iu.addModifiedItem(itemL); player.sendPacket(iu); } else if (wpnR != null && wpnL == null) { L2ItemInstance[] unequipedR =player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(wpnR.getItem().getBodyPart()); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); for (L2ItemInstance itemR: unequipedR) iu.addModifiedItem(itemR); player.sendPacket(iu); } //add the flag in his hands _player.getInventory().equipItem(ItemTable.getInstance().createItem("", CTF._FLAG_IN_HAND_ITEM_ID, 1, _player, null)); _player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(_player, 16)); //amazing glow _player._haveFlagCTF = true; _player.broadcastUserInfo(); CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(_player.getObjectId(), 15, ":", "You got it! Run back! ::"); // 8D _player.sendPacket(cs); // Start the flag holding timer _flagsNotRemoved.set(_teams.indexOf(_player._teamNameCTF), true); flagHoldTimer(_player, _flagHoldTime); // If player is invisible, make them visible if (_player.getAppearance().getInvisible()) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") L2Effect eInvisible = _player.getFirstEffect(L2EffectType.HIDE); } }
  11. I don't know exactly what number defines the longitud, but you can contrast between retails weapons and testing yourself. The enchant is defined in two types. The color glow size and the lightning glow size. I guess (I haven't time for test it), the first sequence of numbers is for color glow size: LineageEffect.c_u006 5.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.89999998 0.50000000 And the next is for lightning glow size: LineageWeapons.rangesample 1.50000000 0.69999999 0.69999999 12.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 In case of dual weapons (Dual Swords, Dual Daggers, Dual Fists, Dual Blunts...), the empty fields are filled by more numbers that defines the color/lightning glow size of the second weapon. Example of Dual Fist: LineageEffect.c_u001 LineageEffect.c_u001 0.00000000 3.09999990 1.00000000 0.00000000 3.09999990 1.00000000 0.86000001 0.86000001 0.25000000 0.25000000 LineageWeapons2.rangesample LineageWeapons2.rangesample 0.85000002 0.85000002 0.85000002 0.85000002 0.85000002 0.85000002 0.00000000 1.00000000 -0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000
  12. I don't understand your quest. Can you explain what do you want to do, or write an example¿?
  13. Try this, by Setokaiba. Don't forget change the chronicle option: http://www.4shared.com/file/lqaaR0Xk/L2_FileEdit_C4_C5_C6_By_Setoka.html
  14. When you add an aditional texture you must change the "number of textures" numbers: before: 2 1 3 LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00 LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01 LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00 LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 icon.weapon_r_dualdagger_i00 after: 2 2 4 LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00 LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01 LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00 LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 icon.weapon_r_dualdagger_i00 Don't forget change the enchant effect glow and modify the following numbers to fit the enchant with the weapon.
  15. Look on the skill type handler and add a condition for the desirable zone. If a player is inside/outside the zone, actionFailed, else, continue
  16. coolTime is for inactivity time after you use a skill. For e.g If you try... <set name="coolTime" val="5000" /> ... the caster will stay quiet for 5 senconds after cast the skill. For avoid overcasting skills.
  17. Do you see the transformdata.dat¿? E.g: 20001 0 32 0 LineageEffect.s_u833_transform LineageEffect.s_u833_transform 2 0 0 0 20001 1 32 0 LineageEffect.s_u833_transform LineageEffect.s_u833_transform 2 0 0 0 You must add two lines for each transformation, (bin 0 & 1).
  18. Try this: [bloodRain] bEmitterSkip=False
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