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how do i delate a gm char

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well i have a problem  i have duped the head admins char (only equip/builder/lvl) and i can't delate it  any 1 ideas?




well i have some suggestions i tell the gm that there was a bug and i have his char (but he will prolly cheak for builder in  the server) or i get my account banned , or i just leave the char be (but if he cheaks the server and sees 2 chars with his name he will prolly wipe it or ban evry 1 with builder)



ps.how do i use hypercam  , i did the movie with camtasia , gg 80mb only 1 minute wheni converted it to avi ...

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i dunno ... well it changed my name, lvl and equip this is the shitty part .. but also gave me builder and the char remained as {HGM}Pigasos* withound the possibility to delete it ... it isin't fake b/c the fake ones are send to client not to server , if i would send it to client there would be in the right lower corner like name: / lvl / hp  /mp /STR etc...    the description i mean

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Don't know anything about deleting gm char, but to reduce video size, convert your recorded media to wmv foramt, reduce resolution and try to find best setting for quality/size (as far as i remember camtasia has such converter).

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GM name {HGM}Pigasos* has not deleted :) i check it you doing only one fake gm with l2phx its not so hard

well i know thats not hard , but you're talking about "fake gm" and a fake is when it only affects your l2 till restart becouse u send the packet to client , but i send it to server (affects whole server, dosen't dissapear after restart and i can use builder freely)  while mixing it with new status updated from the lvl's i gained killing the moob or sumffin dunno how i made it either was just playing around  well this topic is in't about "fake gm" n either about duping chars , its about how to delate them...

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