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It's my first guide and i decided to talk about my fav char.






If you play well with noc I can promise you that you'll get a lot of kills.

Now Let's Begin..


Items You shoud obtain


1.dorans-shield.gif Doran's Shield - 475 (I prefer to begin with the traditional way :D )

2.berserkers-greaves.gif Berserker's Greaves - 920 (We need high attack speed so it's a good item)

3.infinity-edge.gifInfinity Edge - 3830 (It's pretty expensive but it would make the difference with high attack damage and critical strike)

4.sword-of-the-divine.gifSword of the Divine x2 - 3740 (Very high attack speed that's very important for noc and dont forget the armor penetration active that allows you to escape from difficult situations)

5.emblem-of-valour.gifEmblem of Valour - 800 (Lifesteal. Really important 'cause with such attack speed that you'll have from Sword of the Divine you will easilly heal yourself in battle)

In my opinion with this combination of items you can easilly pwn your enemies, although it's a very offensive style of play


I forgot to mention that when you have all these items you can sell the sword-of-the-divine.gifx2 and buy phantom-dancer.gif x2 - 5690  (Phantom Dancer) that will give you less attack speed but more critical strike and more movement speed. You will decide it during the game if this trade will help you.



Nocturne's Skills



Passive : nocturne-umbra-blades.png - Umbra Blades (Every 10 secconds noc will hit with an aoe attack damaging with 120% of his physical attack, very good for farming and ofcourse in battle! )



Actives :


1.nocturne-duskbringer.png - Duskbringer (Such a usefull skill. Noc throws a shadow that deals physical damage. It leaves a trail that when noc is on it he gains movement speed and attack damage)

2.nocturne-shroud-of-darkness.png - Shroud of Darkness (Bonus attack speed! Very useful especially when you're engaged in battle)

3.nocturne-unspeakable-horror.png - Unspeakable Horror (The best skill of noc for me. Noc plants a trail to his enemy and deals magic damage to him. The most important effect is that if the enemy stays close to you he will be feared and you will have the time to damage him without any problem)

4.nocturne-paranoia.png - Paranoia (His ulti. Exactly the meaning of the ulti's name. Noc dissables the  enemy ally vision and he can launch himself at an enemy champion up to 400 range and deals physical damage on him)





Against Ranged :


You can take them down easilly. First use Duskbringer to damage them walk on the trail to reach them quickly. Then use Unspeakable Horror to damage your enemy and fear him. After that if it's neccesary use Shroud of Darkness to gain attack speed bonus.If they escape you can use your ulti (paranoia) and launch on them.After that it wont be such a big deal to kill the enemy.


Against melee :


Here it will be a little more difficult. Again use Duskbringer to damage the enemy and gain physical attack bonus. Then fear them and slightly damage them with Unspeakable Horror. It's the same with mele. Again Shroud of Darkness and hit them. You might need to run away, when u do this you have to use Duskbringer to the way you leave. Not at the enemy. Also fear them with Unspeakable Horror and you could easilly escape.


I forgot to mention something. When you play noc you have to look always the mini map. If you see an enemy with low health don't think it twice. Use paranoia and take them down.



I hope you  liked my guide. I love noc <3

If you have some other strategy please don't write things like "What are you saying !@@#$" and all this kind of stuff. You can reccomend other items if you don't agree with me.









What's the reason for buying a doran's shield?

Doran's blade for the win.

Secondly you don't need Sword of Divine.Buy a Bloodthirster instead or a BlackCleaver depending on your preferences.


What's the reason for buying a doran's shield?

Doran's blade for the win.

Secondly you don't need Sword of Divine.Buy a Bloodthirster instead or a BlackCleaver depending on your preferences.


Doran's shield is just fine but i would agree on the second with you.


Doran's shield is just fine but i would agree on the second with you.


No it's not for me.Nocturne needs damage since he's a melee DPS instead of defense.


No it's not for me.Nocturne needs damage since he's a melee DPS instead of defense.


As you said he is a dps so he has high damage from the first lvl.A defense item for start wont be

a bad idea, but everyone have his options.


How does SoD's active helps you escape?

I made a mistake there. thank you. You don't have active dodge but instead your attacks can not be dodged but again you get armor penetration so i mean that when u escape you dont get high damage-->that makes it easier



What's the reason for buying a doran's shield?

Doran's blade for the win.

Secondly you don't need Sword of Divine.Buy a Bloodthirster instead or a BlackCleaver depending on your preferences.

I don't agree with you, I tried it with those items you mentioned but it's much more better with very high attack speed and i recomend Emblem of Valour that gives you the lifesteal you need. About doran's shield i think for fb it's usefull, you already have high attack damage but you need something for deffense


btw off-tank Nocturne is the best option.


He can initiate with his ulti and cause lots of panic to the enemy team.


With premades it can work like Mirana's ulti from dota if you know what I'm talking about :P


btw off-tank Nocturne is the best option.


He can initiate with his ulti and cause lots of panic to the enemy team.


With premades it can work like Mirana's ulti from dota if you know what I'm talking about :P


Do u mean something like irelia?

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