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[GUIDE]How to kill Queen Ant,Zaken,Orfen!

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  • 2 months later...

Well you said that this bosses are hard to get because they need organized groups and strategy! I agree with that... but your, so called, "guides" have not strategy nor organisation in them... You are just telling the obvius.. In fact you just describing how to get a raid boss in a buggy server without doing the Q needed... (like Zaken, you were just target him and wop you got him! lol) and there was not anything usefull.. I mean THERE IS NO boss (even the little ones) that can be defeted by 3 or 6 players!!! it must be a high rated high bugged PVP server to achieve that... 

To cut the long story short, in my opinion, this guide is only useful for newbie players that do not know the locations of these bosses.. because thats the only useful information you posted in this guide, the location of the bosses, everything else is useless since it is only aplicable in buged highrated PVP servers.:)


No hard feellings I dont have anything personal with you and I do not want to have in the future, I was just saying my opinion about your guide :)

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  • 3 months later...

I still with out understand why everithing is Closed to the newbies.. I know that Cheats and exploits Most be closed for the newbies like me cuz they can be lecheers but this "guide" ... ?


We, The new guys in this forum, need to be really patient and wait and wait.....


What a problem..


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Yes it's not a cheat but it has a way on how to kill zaken which is a bit buggy and not many ppl know it.That's why it's hidden.


Stop spamming and when you get at 100 posts you'll be able to view it.

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