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Lineage II Launcher

Today i started developing on this project. I know it will be hard to do it but a long time ago i did it but it was just a simple launcher.



A Server side for the launcher

- Reasons: Configuring launcher title, ip launcher will use, and almost everything.

- The server side will say to the client what to show and what not.

- If server side it will be missing the client side only if once it was runned with the proper configs of the server side will run the same because client-side will always save the last configs of the server.

Creating a ini when start button is pressed and when l2 it will run will delete it. This way is more secured of ip leak.

It will be capable of downloading system files.

Capable of changing background images, or a slideshow.

An admin panel on the client so you can define where client should connect. after that you must disable the admin panel (but remember there is no way of reenable it again after that.)

The backdoor key will be Num9.

More to come...


Well for now is only a stand-alone program but very soon i will make the server side.



It will get connected with the l2 server and draw informations like how many are online etc.

You will be able to manage the server too.

More to come..


client-side will send a list of programs running on the computer and if the server-side will have some programs on the blacklist - like phx, it will send command to the client to shutdown.


Language it will be use C# and java.


It will be free.





Notify: The gui style is my windows theme, i will try to make a custom gui for it.


At server-side add many things,it will be more interesting.

Good job btw


It should be good if you manage to add packets of l2 like L2Net so you will can login with this program and send commands with the gm like //announce or smthing.....

Good luck and please give it to us as soon us possible without bugs ....

Thanks for planning giving it for free :) ...


Development will be stop for a couple of weeks because i move out of my town and i don't have either vs or eclipse on this one + is very old pc.

  • 4 weeks later...

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