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[Request]a staff less abusable and less godlike thinking


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Agree with this.

Mxc must change staff as soon as possible

check you last dekarma. you have been warned thousand of times, now you dekarmad a person that he told sth, you understood sth else, and you put an another reason.



i am the bad guy after all?

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Well ok if it's clear reason ok but many bans here give 4-fun do you think Finito ? :(

Well maybe anyway i leave this in Maxtor and mods.

I don't take ban and i'm not stuff. But i will report somethings in the forum maybe i can unban or de-karma etc

but i can help the Maxtor keep the forum clear for now ;) !!!!!

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check you last dekarma. you have been warned thousand of times, now you dekarmad a person that he told sth, you understood sth else, and you put an another reason.



i am the bad guy after all?

Lol he told idiot my father plz read it carefuly.



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that was intentional mistake? lol

Thank you for trying to ruin the topic with spam posts.Last warn about here


Ι will leave this topic open only for serious posts

Offtopic posts get -1 karma

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Noble® vs ALL = 1

who is godlike thinking?




and something else, if you dont like us, you are free to leave.

("you" in plural)

honey scored my 1st penta kill today with gangplank and stole baron alone.  2ndly i owned many faces since yesterday with my kind words wherever i was.(feel free to put yourselves in too if you like and feel)



I remember when i came in here with fighterboss acc you many guys complaining about noble bans.

im still waiting 1 link from you and the other mad staff guy who pmed me the same thing .it is terribly bad to accuse something you cant prove....actually you cant prove what you "remember" because it doesnt exist


i accept links even from junkyard with a report for a ban i hammered that was abused . go ahead kitty kat :)

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and if you believe that im an abuser let me remind you that i m not staffer anymore. lets suppose im already punished if you like (even though i asked my demotes 2 times)


why do you try to connect me in your trouble? i m not discussing about me.did you ever seen that i self candidated myself? of course NOT. i m telling it for thousand time that i m not interested ..we re discussing abuot the  abuses of the current staff and HOW we can turn such behaviours 180o

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We warn them about karma abuses -> Next day they use karma like a toy, for their fun

We warn them about breaking posting rules somewhere -> They will do it 5-20 more times, till punishment comes

We warn them about Tags ->They will do it 5-20 more times till punishment comes



Dude, do you think it can be done in a polite way?


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i accept links even from junkyard with a report for a ban i hammered that was abused . go ahead kitty kat :)

I'll go to search for posts that happened when i came in here?at 2010 of may-july?Are you kidding me?

I just remember as other will too,from gost i think were discussing about your title "The BanHammer" or something.

Basically when you demoted it happened that,if i remember well.

I'm still waiting.

I never liked to be insulted because i'm always clear with my actions.



By the way your statements are wrong from the begin dude.

I doubt if you knew the reasons of bans when you're creating that thread.

I really believe that you make it for your ego.If i am wrong,please prove it to me.

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Agree with this.

Mxc must change staff as soon as possible

And make staff who? you?


You guys can't accept that when we started punishing everyone for their mistakes, you can't stand it.


I gotta agree with fanky.

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I'll go to search for posts that happened when i came in here?at 2010 of may-july?Are you kidding me?

I just remember as other will too,from gost i think were discussing about your title "The BanHammer" or something.

Basically when you demoted it happened that,if i remember well.

i had the title BanHammer since november 2007 ;) your memory deceives you

I'll go to search for posts that happened when i came in here?at 2010 of may-july?Are you kidding me?

got the same answer from the other staff guy....i ll search them for you TOO.


i / we d be glad if you just say sry we did something wrong.lets improve together ! lets make a new start

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i / we d be glad if you just say sry we did something wrong.lets improve together ! lets make a new start


Since they didn't make something wrong?


And if they would,check your post meng.You insult the whole staff jeez.

On the contrary you're the one that publishes pm's and consider them as rage ones...Maybe you're the one who should think 'bout improving.

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We warn them about karma abuses -> Next day they use karma like a toy, for their fun

We warn them about breaking posting rules somewhere -> They will do it 5-20 more times, till punishment comes

We warn them about Tags ->They will do it 5-20 more times till punishment comes



Dude, do you think it can be done in a polite way?


i dont bealeave that..


When i try to do something here to fix 1 karma  i take ban without warn  so dont tell it..

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