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What do you need? : One Server that you can drop items & Phx & 2 Characters in same Account


1)Go to Warehouse (that you can send items to other character)


2)Open phx target yourseld and go to Action


3)Copy the code and then paste it on the other code.


4)Click too times on the item you want to dupe and then go to UseItem


5)Copy the code (it shows like 54 00 FF 01 10 00 00 00 00) you will copy only the red words


6)Paste the code in the base code (that you add on the start) you will change only the 5 first Numbers (expect the first)


7)Now send the ammount you have on the inventrory with the item that you want to dupe to your other character.


8 )Now send the code to server and .... bouala you get xxx items on the ground .




Video Coming Soon


Edit : That's was the Exploit that i sell it to someone

  On 6/28/2011 at 2:59 PM, FighterBoss said:

I'm waiting the video.


Also could you tell me the server that you made this?

l2java (Interlude Faction & Pvp Server)

yes that are same and old

fixed in many servers because any idiot was shared free fix and not hide in mxc



P.S change sait name to MaxDevelopers not MaxCheaters :P

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