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Hello. I need the website theme like a this http://download.l2jfrozen.com/index.php or http://l2jserver.com/nightly/ . Anyone have something that? Thanks a lot.

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Well thats the code of http://l2jserver.com/nightly/ , i mean the part after "Directory Listing of /nightly/"


<div id="container">
  <h1>Directory Listing of /nightly/</h1>
  <div id="breadcrumbs"> <a href="index-2.html">home</a> 
<!--  -->
  <div id="listingcontainer">
    <div id="listingheader"> 
<div id="headerfile"><a href="index34f2.html?dir=&sort=name&order=desc">File</a></div>
<div id="headersize"><a href="indexf31b.html?dir=&sort=size&order=asc">Size</a></div>
<div id="headermodified">Version</a></div>
    <div id="listing">
	<div><a href="indexae6c.html?dir=old%2F" class="b"><img src="dlf/folder.png" alt="old/" /><strong>old/</strong> <em>-</em> Sep 01 2010 04:04:20 AM</a></div>
	<div><a href="index9f6d.html?dir=&download=L2J_DataPack-unstable.zip" class="w"><img src="dlf/archive.png" alt="L2J_DataPack-unstable.zip" /><strong>L2J_DataPack-unstable.zip</strong> <em>
13510 KByte</em> Jun 24 2011 05:05:02 AM</a></div>
	<div><a href="index178d.html?dir=&download=L2J_Server-unstable.zip" class="b"><img src="dlf/archive.png" alt="L2J_Server-unstable.zip" /><strong>L2J_Server-unstable.zip</strong> <em>
12534 KByte</em> Jun 24 2011 05:01:22 AM</a></div>


Also, you can take any code from website with this tutorial btw,


Hope i helped. have fun.

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From what I know of those softwares, you steal only the interpreted PHP code, not the PHP code itself.


You will ripe only the design, not the code behind it.


And those sort of "explorer stuff" must be a template. Ask directly to Shyla (shivan on MxC), I guess he could answer better.

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