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most people dont even use heal on ad carry

the flash/ignite even goes on ad carry..



On ashe most likely you will see heal/ghost.

on vayne/kog cleanse cause they are "hyper carries"

On graves/corki/sivir/trist 90% ignite,cause they are a "kill lane"


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me (as support player) i prefer having flash/heal or ghost/heal on the carry

and having flash/exh on support.


Simple reason... support should be roaming once he got his g/10 items and assisting on ganks over the map (or ganking solo if possible > for example blitz, taric)

Heal on carry is then usefull cause he might face a 2v1 lane so the heal keeps him up a bit.. ofc support isnt always roaming, he mainly tries to stay close to bot to assist when needed.


(just my idea of playing :p)

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me (as support player) i prefer having flash/heal or ghost/heal on the carry

and having flash/exh on support.


Simple reason... support should be roaming once he got his g/10 items and assisting on ganks over the map (or ganking solo if possible > for example blitz, taric)

Heal on carry is then usefull cause he might face a 2v1 lane so the heal keeps him up a bit.. ofc support isnt always roaming, he mainly tries to stay close to bot to assist when needed.


(just my idea of playing :p)


Support flash/cv.....Carry flash-exh/heal That what i know ;)

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Support flash/cv.....Carry flash-exh/heal That what i know ;)


I've had this discussion before with somebody else


I prefer running Exh over CV just bcs exh is able to pick up a kill, or be used as an escape tool.

I used cv in the beginning.. ye its really easy for the jungler to counterjungle with it.. but well i prefer spending some more money on wards and be able to exh AD carries in team fights (lowers their dmg output by a lot.. or scaring them away sometimes xD)


So from my experience Exh > Cv .. in most cases (i don't say always ^^)

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I've had this discussion before with somebody else


I prefer running Exh over CV just bcs exh is able to pick up a kill, or be used as an escape tool.

I used cv in the beginning.. ye its really easy for the jungler to counterjungle with it.. but well i prefer spending some more money on wards and be able to exh AD carries in team fights (lowers their dmg output by a lot.. or scaring them away sometimes xD)


So from my experience Exh > Cv .. in most cases (i don't say always ^^)



1 minute cooldown for an area revealing which equalises a ward.


I hate when my support gets cv instead of exhaust,I just can't fight with useless cv.lol

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1 minute cooldown for an area revealing which equalises a ward.


I hate when my support gets cv instead of exhaust,I just can't fight with useless cv.lol


Yeah but if you can't take wards cause you can't farm or you lose or you can't go outside from base it's very usefull..

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Yeah but if you can't take wards cause you can't farm or you lose or you can't go outside from base it's very usefull..


usefull my shit

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Yeah but if you can't take wards cause you can't farm or you lose or you can't go outside from base it's very usefull..


So for a 75 gold worth job,you would prefer to make sure that you will not any fight on botlane without exhaust.


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So for a 75 gold worth job,you would prefer to make sure that you will not any fight on botlane without exhaust.



A serious supporter will not take one ward...And of course he will take a vision ward too :p

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A serious supporter will not take one ward...And of course he will take a vision ward too :p


why and why?

You can run boots and 1 ward on taric/blitz/leona

Vision ward not needed.


Plus that the cost of exhaust in botlane is untradeable,especially when u need to decide between exhaust/cv.

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i usally try to carry around with 3 wards

once i got my philo, boots and heart of gold i'm almost always with 5 wards

>> or oracle with less wards


Usually when i got those items laning phase is kinda over, so i start roaming and helping in teamfights ofc.

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i usally try to carry around with 3 wards

once i got my philo, boots and heart of gold i'm almost always with 5 wards

>> or oracle with less wards


Usually when i got those items laning phase is kinda over, so i start roaming and helping in teamfights ofc.

when i play sup i buy philo stone and heart of gold then oracle and wards shyrelia and etc

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