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any1 seen the new debuffs? nerfgun again ...rip panth....


Pretty sure they'll make him OP again like in December ;p


700 damage at lvl 4.


They nerfed Pantheon's Ulti but they said it clearly "we gonna buff him"


They just nerfed teh globals so duds won't BD and kids won't cry anymore , pantheon will get his boost , maybe even a remake who knows , on NA forums there are plenty of opinions which have been posted , anyway we shall see !


About GP , well tbh he was quite strong he needed a nerf and it was his E , dunno how he will be now since the 2 recent nerfs they will affect his jungling speed.


It's not backdoor that makes TF OP. He just ruins everyone's early game with TF+jungler+laner ganks.


Patheon's Ult is so bad right now , the only reason u gonna use it is to BD or to go to your mates a little faster.


TF's Gate was a nightmare for kiddos for BD too but i agree they were OH NOEZ HE SI MAI NUNU ON JUNGLEZ etc , but still they removed the global effect from path's ult cause it is an aggressive ult which teleports you to somewhere and you can do bd. they removed the global effect even if they knew that he is bad , up , never picked and has 9999 channeling time.


That's why Karthus/Soraka/Shen ult is left untouched.


i ll be honest! i use E from GP only to escape! :D despite he is my favorite champ i never remember how much extra dmg it gives me and i rarely use it ! buhuhuuu xD they nerfed gp :p yipiiiii no one will pick him again, only me xD fail nerf on GP :D gp relies heavily on kills and not from parrrley last hitting or 4% slow xD




ps: how are they going to rework pantheon? do you believe morello and phreak>? trololoooo.bet that they ll find his crit way too big so nerf again


stun duration way too big...nerf that too

on noez make his skills use ap too . too strong for ad only! nerf pl0x




i ll be honest! i use E from GP only to escape! :D despite he is my favorite champ i never remember how much extra dmg it gives me and i rarely use it ! buhuhuuu xD they nerfed gp :p yipiiiii no one will pick him again, only me xD fail nerf on GP :D gp relies heavily on kills and not from parrrley last hitting or 4% slow xD




ps: how are they going to rework pantheon? do you believe morello and phreak>? trololoooo.bet that they ll find his crit way too big so nerf again


stun duration way too big...nerf that too

on noez make his skills use ap too . too strong for ad only! nerf pl0x




Lol , GP's E is perfect to engage on the enemy for ganks , it has huge range you can effect your allies from far away , and since it is passive you ain't feeling it's effects but they are very strong.


It's like Sivir's ulti in a normal skill edition. I don't think GP suddenly got UP now but he won't be so deadly as he used to be.


About Pantheon yes i believe they will boost him , they told it 999 times that they are re-looking the old champions , fixing their broken/old stats and as you can see they are doing it , and it all started from Alistar.


Dunno that changes they will do on Pantheon , maybe increase the stun duration of Lv1 [W] so you won't be forced to lv up it so you will level up [E] and be able to do your combo before you go 9lv ? Dunno , we shall see

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