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and what about your score and your team score?


against bots... just to show to some ppl that 1400 ap isn't highest a champ can get..(and that 1500+ is posible, doubt it on normal tho)

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against bots... just to show to some ppl that 1400 ap isn't highest a champ can get..(and that 1500+ is posible, doubt it on normal tho)

Is Veigar mate, 1 AP per minion kill and 5 ap per champion. Isn't Karthus or Malzahar.
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pff talon and lee look awsome

and sona is kinda "well well"

wukong just scks >.>


imma go sleep, have to get up in 2 hours :p




Live sona with new skin pwning so hard

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