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saw a game last night against bjurger king's syndra, so poor general :(

Ya,kinda unfair.lf rematch!! :D


reginald: Patoy got frenched

reginald: Great General. Whats your thoughts?

Oddone: I heard early today

Oddone: you suck





Dat mechanics!! XD

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Everything are TOP on new updates! GG Riot ^^

there will be a nerf on this gold stack item and everything will become normal again, its like the old era with bunch of black cleavers

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dunno its looks pretty unbalanced right now. 

i mean dunno its so hard to play right now, maybe its just me but the exprience is low some champions are way unbalanced like evelyn you can't deny her ganging she is free to gang any lane with no pinks/oracles, the supporters can have full build when everyone else have 3 or 4 items, they have alot of work to do

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It's the worst preseason I've ever played at :<


Lulu is 2 stronk again, no like. Taric and Thresh tank harder than a top laner and a jungler combined. lel

Edited by Fortuna
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Relic Shield

UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War

  • Charge rate increased to 60 seconds from 30 (remains 30 seconds for Targon's Brace and Face of the Mountain)
  • Execute now only works on melee basic attacks



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