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What's your elo? Send me some replays ;p





Snoopi top, Fortuna jungle, ??? mid, Finitost AD, Noble support


Terror team


If you guys make some games in EUNE I'd love to join :)

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If you guys make some games in EUNE I'd love to join :)



Snoopi (top) cons: lose lane every time, never ward, justify dying by saying that he's trying to splitpush

Fortuna (jungle) cons: never ganks, always misses smites, never gives buffs to anyone, goes to lanes only when there's a huge wave and laner is not there

Finito (AD) cons: farms 24/7, never comes to team fights, farms 24/7, never fights for objectives, farms 24/7, vulnerable to hooks, farms 24/7

Noble (support) cons: vulnerable to hooks, vulnerable to tryhards, extreme probability of raging about anything.




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Snoopi (top) cons: lose lane every time, never ward, justify dying by saying that he's trying to splitpush

Fortuna (jungle) cons: never ganks, always misses smites, never gives buffs to anyone, goes to lanes only when there's a huge wave and laner is not there

Finito (AD) cons: farms 24/7, never comes to team fights, farms 24/7, never fights for objectives, farms 24/7, vulnerable to hooks, farms 24/7

Noble (support) cons: vulnerable to hooks, vulnerable to tryhards, extreme probability of raging about anything.




Fortuvicious LOL

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Snoopi (top) cons: lose lane every time, never ward, justify dying by saying that he's trying to splitpush

Fortuna (jungle) cons: never ganks, always misses smites, never gives buffs to anyone, goes to lanes only when there's a huge wave and laner is not there

Finito (AD) cons: farms 24/7, never comes to team fights, farms 24/7, never fights for objectives, farms 24/7, vulnerable to hooks, farms 24/7

Noble (support) cons: vulnerable to hooks, vulnerable to tryhards, extreme probability of raging about anything.




you didnt see my Orianna or Lucian yesterday :3

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Im Gold III , i mostly play mid but i would love some jungling tips too since that's your main role.


Send any replay ;p

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Send any replay ;p



I would really appreciate if you can arrange some low vs high elo games too,i'm ready to get my a ss kicked! :D

Edited by OverStyled
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