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League Of Legends Random Topic!

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riot logic: oh yes, lets give rivens and renektons dmg and sustain + zacs passive and ofc fioras dash + lulus ulti knockup at one champ and why not some attack speed of kogmaw and lifesteal of nasus. OH YES.

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riot logic: oh yes, lets give rivens and renektons dmg and sustain + zacs passive and ofc fioras dash + lulus ulti knockup at one champ and why not some attack speed of kogmaw and lifesteal of nasus. OH YES.


Seems like i have to log on pbe xD

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Hi fan you have many skins must be hard to count them so you need a program or smth


















oh wait


I got a new acc on eune and im bored to count them,dont be mad 8)

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ok fan let me help you





I hope you know how to read :D

Thats not what im looking for since i dont have save them on there. Anyway fan..

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Orianna support -> added to my support pool :p


Shield is sometimes slow, other then that.. shes great as support

bit mana hungry, but once you get the lane going it snowballs really fast.


(mainy using it with miss fortune or tristana)

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