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Varus is totally fine, he just has no real escape abilities.His ulti is awesome, and if you position correctly you can win a whole fight alone

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Varus is totally fine, he just has no real escape abilities.His ulti is awesome, and if you position correctly you can win a whole fight alone


"no real escape abilities". Yes that is bad story. About position I test everything but at the end I die because of his weaknessess the only protection for him is the ulti or Flash spell.

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"no real escape abilities". Yes that is bad story. About position I test everything but at the end I die because of his weaknessess the only protection for him is the ulti or Flash spell.

Cause you dont know how to even position urself


His ulti is trully OP, 2 sec disable to all enemy team, and he is a damn ad carry

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Cause you dont know how to even position urself


His ulti is trully OP, 2 sec disable to all enemy team, and he is a damn ad carry


My method: I stay back from the whole team and when we go for teamfight, I just use my ulti to immobilize the enemies and after that I just spam them. But If my team is noobish I got fail and I stay alone.

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Αshe is terrible and I'm sure is not allowable character for ranked matches :/

The only useful up to her for me is the ward skill that white butterfly which give you the opportunity to see the enemies. She is a bread in team fights.

if ashe is terrible then you are noob with her.i own with ashe

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Fine, play with Ashe one ranked match and give me your results. Ashe is only for normal. It's easy champion but she die very easily.

Then how u explain at lol tour BIG Players took ashe ?

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Then how u explain at lol tour BIG Players took ashe ?


Omg you believe you and me and all here we have the same experience and skills on LoL with Ocelote for example? Just think before you post. They took ashe because are experienced members and they can play everything lol.

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Omg you believe you and me and all here we have the same experience and skills on LoL with Ocelote for example? Just think before you post. They took ashe because are experienced members and they can play everything lol.

i gonna make a good match and i will show you.yestarday with ashe i took quadra




this is my game now and 1 dead is from nexus

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