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i recall what i said about night ranked games! they re -beep-in bad!!! a pro caitlyn got out farmed by alistar by TRIPLE creeps and she got  2/16 in ranked.


i got 1 game 17/8 with graves solo top and our nunu was 3-19 and grags mid was 4-11 while i outfarmed nasus and vayne and we lost it.


-leeching-s just die...im tired of this game.im treated like iam 100-150 elo


You'll never find a good time to play. Alwayes there will be retarted pigs to ruin a game. Russians or not.

also at east you cant xp a low account. i tried with a friend's acc, too much russians lol. 8/10 or 9/10 every game. kinda annoying, this statement cant satisfy your games and your future in that game. /fail


also at east you cant xp a low account. i tried with a friend's acc, too much russians lol. 8/10 or 9/10 every game. kinda annoying, this statement cant satisfy your games and your future in that game. /fail

Low levels are way bad, many bad kiddos discovered game and playing

for someone whos playing more than 1 year, its hell of BAD games


For real 11-2 and ended with 11-7. (TOP FAILED , singhed got asskicked so hard by morde rofl)

Im carrying Anima... he had mobility 5 zeals and 3/13 with olaf.

ye but he was really fast,wasnt he?

Yep, since he has 0/8 and the enemies was taking only 20 gold they stopped chasing him. He was making bd when we had team fight 4v5 and we win ;d

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