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epitelous perasa ta wins mou apo ta loses sto ranked alla to elo mou paramenei esxro den mporouse na m pei kapios oti xaneis elo apo ta leave sto pick's o.O


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He should be banned. (Obiviously a scamm)

nice elo unqart (86 cs in 28 mins lol)

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epitelous perasa ta wins mou apo ta loses sto ranked alla to elo mou paramenei esxro den mporouse na m pei kapios oti xaneis elo apo ta leave sto pick's o.O


Like the worst build ever?

Btw, games without support, graves with clarity, hue hue hue

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epitelous perasa ta wins mou apo ta loses sto ranked alla to elo mou paramenei esxro den mporouse na m pei kapios oti xaneis elo apo ta leave sto pick's o.O


good old days i was on this elo @ season 1 back from 250 to 1150 :p
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He should be banned. (Obiviously a scamm)

nice elo unqart (86 cs in 28 mins lol)

i was playing roam dude as for my build i dont know rly what to do right now coz allways play tanky gp and i go solo top but now i was in bot

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