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EU up!


edit: Captain on my first Season 2 ranked game! Gonna jungle Jarvan ;p



btw Riven is missing from the shop for some reason.

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My pc cant update -.^ zomg


Change region and make update on Nordic & East.

And you ready!


Look :


this :


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lol guys

riot trolled us

elo hell agani, 700eloers now got 1200 just like me

last game i had 4 ranged AD carries in my team

but because im super duper pro i carried with gragas 8)

Wth you are talking about ? Last game I was playing solo lane Sona and when I told to them that I am support and it's difficult they called me noob..But I did well anyway ;p

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lol guys

riot trolled us

elo hell agani, 700eloers now got 1200 just like me

last game i had 4 ranged AD carries in my team

but because im super duper pro i carried with gragas 8)


Check the spells of my enemy Teemo. xD

Also check that Vlad rushing Void Staff!

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