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I know he is /easymode , but now i wonder how is he gonna escape , is it gonna be easier or harder (i'm talking about E)


How much rage is ulti gonna give etc



This Morello guy wants to change anything lol


He has the right to do it :) and beside that i agree with him almost at all.


i beg enemy team to pick trynda in ranked xD



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for you who is the best char in lol ?


There is not such a thing , now depends for example i like to play a lot with amumu,warwick,alistar,irelia,jarvan,gragas,malphite so i guess im better with those champs, so you cant compare them.

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There is not such a thing , now depends for example i like to play a lot with amumu,warwick,alistar,irelia,jarvan,gragas,malphite so i guess im better with those champs, so you cant compare them.

well i play 3 days and i have learnt play good with ryze but i cant addapt tristana and evelynn style -.-

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well i play 3 days and i have learnt play good with ryze but i cant addapt tristana and evelynn style -.-


If i would be you i would start to play with champs like annie,xin zhao,katarina,akali and not champs like tristana..

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If i would be you i would start to play with champs like annie,xin zhao,katarina,akali and not champs like tristana..

well katarina is my next target ? but why should i play with katarina and no with trist?

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i played after 3 days of rest LoL 2 games


one with amumu tank 9-1-10

2nd with renekton dps. i ran into tank after pairing up with a greek cho 1-18-NA  and a drmundo with 2/14/NA and 2 zeals :o





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