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[Guide]LeBlanc a la Elfocrash

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Guest Elfocrash


classic greek gamer,thats why i avoid saying i am greek on online games.

not really.just ppl piss my of cuz they don't have the ability to think.


pffff bla bla bla bla bla.

stop talking and show me facts ingame.


You might think that I'm a mentalist but well...


Isn't it true you've lost a lot of games as Le Blanc with scores like 15/2? Well, I would like to inform you that it was not your team's fault you lost, but will not explain why. If you're smart enough you'll understand yourself :)

Guest Elfocrash

You might think that I'm a mentalist but well...


Isn't it true you've lost a lot of games as Le Blanc with scores like 15/2? Well, I would like to inform you that it was not your team's fault you lost, but will not explain why. If you're smart enough you'll understand yourself :)


ofc i lost games like that.but it was my team's fault.somethig like 0/5 all the others actually


ofc i lost games like that.but it was my team's fault.somethig like 0/5 all the others actually


It was not your team. I assure you. Gonna give you one more chance to guess what the real reason was at 90 % of these lost matches.









1)i guess you are a roaming leblanc?or you just dont know how +5 boots work.

2)i see defeat,so i guess you had "bad and noob team"?

3)27 lasthits while you had deatchap,i guess thats 2 gud

4)Deathcap and mejai's,rofl you are 2 tanky,how can you die

5)defeat,ofcourse you did well,but you had failed team

6)maybe you were doing good early game and your ally tanks tried to cover you,but since you had 0 hp they could not achieve it,and was your fault losing a teamfight?

7)27 creeps?hmm, i usually take around 20 creeps when i play taric.you have to be proud of it.

oh,normal games ftw




PS:LE-PA on youtube!

Guest Elfocrash








1)i guess you are a roaming leblanc?or you just dont know how +5 boots work.

2)i see defeat,so i guess you had "bad and noob team"?

3)27 lasthits while you had deatchap,i guess thats 2 gud

4)Deathcap and mejai's,rofl you are 2 tanky,how can you die

5)defeat,ofcourse you did well,but you had failed team

6)maybe you were doing good early game and your ally tanks tried to cover you,but since you had 0 hp they could not achieve it,and was your fault losing a teamfight?

7)27 creeps?hmm, i usually take around 20 creeps when i play taric.you have to be proud of it.

oh,normal games ftw




PS:LE-PA on youtube!


This is not even me playing there.but ye as you see my neighbor  is a really bad player with leblanc


This is not even me playing there.but ye as you see my neighbor  is a really bad player with leblanc



its like saying the classic excuse "i must leave,i forgot my dog on the fridge"


It was not your team. I assure you. Gonna give you one more chance to guess what the real reason was at 90 % of these lost matches.


The answer is that as I said before... Le Blanc is one of the worst late game champions. Do you know how many people I see starting with a score like 10/0 on Le Blanc and not being able to carry?

Guest Elfocrash


its like saying the classic excuse "i must leave,i forgot my dog on the fridge"


see my guide and then see how the guy played leblanc there played. do you see any similarity? really?

Guest Elfocrash

just dont try to avoid that  you didnt play that game.rofl


i dont try anything cuz i didnt played it.get over it :)


classic greek gamer,thats why i avoid saying i am greek on online games.



LooL Spell Vamp Item build ?? AD build ?? asdafasdaf build ?? Everything fails imo.


Build is different in every game and it depends on the enemies.I don't mean you have to choose from AP Build-AD-Tanky-failtanky.You make your own different build in every game.Stop making standar builds.

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