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[Guide]LeBlanc a la Elfocrash

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Guest Elfocrash

Hello boys,girls and undecided.



2:Who is LeBlanc in League of Legends


4:Summoner Spells


6:Before the game starts

7:The "oath" of Deceivers

8:"Rules" of LeBlanc


10:AP LeBlanc

11:AP pros/cons

12:AP Skill Order

13:AP Item Build

14:AP Summary

15:Working in the team as AP

16:Spell Vamp Leblanc

17:Spell Vamp Pros/Cons

18:Spell Vamp Skill Order

19:Spell Vamp Item Build

20:Spell Vamp Summary

21:Working in team as Spell Vamp

22:AD Leblanc

23:AD Pros/Cons

24:AD Skill Order

25:AD Item Build

26:AD Summary

27:Working in the team as AD

28:The Ultimate™ LeBlanc

29:Ultimate's Pros/Cons

30:Ultimate's Skill Order

31:Ultimate's Item Build

32:Ultimate's Summary

33:Working in the team as Ultimate

34:Masteries & Runes


36:Tower Diving

37:Famous Last Words






LeBlanc, the Deceiver

Every city has its dark side, even one whose reputation is already of a questionable hue. Noxus - though its name is already invoked with a mixture of reverence and revulsion - is no exception to this simple truth. Deep within the winding dungeons that honeycomb the earth beneath its dark, meandering streets lies the real underbelly of this sprawling metropolis, a haven for all manner of malevolence. Amongst the cults, covens, and secret societies that call this labyrinth their home, LeBlanc, the Deceiver, presides over the Black Rose, a remnant from a lost, yet similarly unscrupulous time in Noxian history. Ruthless and seemingly ageless, LeBlanc and her ilk were a mainstay in Noxian political affairs during the era before the militarization of the Noxian government. In those days, this guild of powerful magicians met in secret to further their hidden agenda, and to hone a craft more subtle than that preferred by those currently in power. While their exact motives have always remained mysterious, it was widely believed that the Black Rose was the true power behind the throne while the aristocracy still reigned in Noxus. When raw martial prowess became the ultimate determination of whose will held sway in the Empire, the Black Rose seemed to vanish overnight. Many believed that perhaps their time had simply passed, and that its members had put aside their quests for social and political dominance. When LeBlanc reemerged at the gates of the Institute of War, however, it became clear that these masters of shadow and flame had simply been bidding their time, waiting for a new global authority to emerge: the League of Legends. ''The world is very different for those who cannot see beyond what is placed before their very eyes.'' -LeBlanc, the Deceiver


I play League of Legends almost a year (with a little break for 2 months) and a hero of the League attracted my attention (my first pick btw).This hero is called LeBlanc the Deceiver.

It is normally a Ability power range dpser but in this guide we will talk about all LeBlanc's stances.


2:Who is LeBlanc in League of Legends


LeBlanc is what we call the PURE ASSASSIN.She is ready to 2-hit a guy of blink twice so she won't die.A true killer.

She is not an easy  champion.You may say or heard by your mates saying in a game where LeBlanc was an opponent "FFS YOU ARE -beep-IN HAPPY NOW?YOU PLAY A 2 BUTTONS HERO!!!"

The answer is one: "Why the -beep- don't you pick her too and PWN  us if she is so easy?

These are some thinks we gonna discuss here.







Mirror Image(Passive)

When LeBlanc is brought below 40% health, she instantly becomes stealthed for half a second. When the stealth fades, she creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds. This can only occur once per minute.



Sigil of Silence

LeBlanc projects an orb towards her target, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 3.5 seconds. If the target takes damage from one of LeBlanc's abilities, the sigil will trigger, dealing damage and silencing the target.




LeBlanc rapidly moves to a target location, dealing magic damage to nearby units. In the following 3 seconds, she can activate Distortion again to return to her starting location.



Ethereal Chains

LeBlanc flings illusionary chains towards a target location. If it hits an enemy unit, it will deal initial magic damage and slow their movement speed by 25%. If the target remains shackled for 2 seconds, the target takes additional magic damage and is unable to move.




LeBlanc can cast a more potent version of the previous spell she cast with bonus damage and less mana cost.


Tip from elfo:After some games when you become keen with the skills and ranges of each skill


4:Summoner Spells


AP Spells: Ignite/Flash

Spell Vamp Spells: Ignite/Clarity

AD Spells: Ignite/Exhaust

Ultimate Spells:Cleanse/(Clarity or Flash)





Auto hits/Sigil/Distortion(rarely)


6:Before the game starts


So you chose LeBlanc, and your comp is pretty balanced. Ok.


Now you enter the loading screen, what do you do?

A)Alt tab->Watch pr0n, youtube, email, etc

B)Look at champion cleavage ->Dat Kat.

C)Look at enemy summoner's summoning spells.


Answer : C


Summoner spells

Exhaust->ATM( You cannot cleanse out of it. Even though it doesn't blind anymore. It's still a very dangerous toy to tamper with. Watch out for the champions who have it.

Ignite->All right, it's less fatal as exhaust but it does hurt. 22% true damage, you'll hate it.

Ghost->Can't chase something with 2 blinks!!

Cleanse->Go Cleanse my second chains!!trolled

Heal-> "I ALMOST GOT HIM"*HEAL*"OH MY **** THIS GUY***** GOD FREAKING********" Watch out for these people. You don't want to tower dive someone with heal...

Clarity->trololololol Ryze is outta MP. I'll show *Distortion* Him *Clarity**Spams spell combo**LeBlanc dies*FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Revive->troll'ed. You get to kill em twice :D Unless you see a Rammus with this. Chances are you'll be at like 30 hp and he'll power ball at 100000000000000 miles per hours and your outta MP. He'll taunt you can kill you before you can ping for help.

Rally->Who even uses this?

Clairvoyance->Watch your back while ganking.

Fortify->No BDing

Teleport->"So anyway gonna 1v1 this guy" then OMG WTFBQQ ________ PORTED HERE AND I GOT MA BUTT KICKED.

Flash->Stops all ganks, and wall haxxors. Damn...



7:The "oath" of Deceivers



Hey You!, yeah you, reading this guide. Before you play LeBlanc. You will have to accept this oath. Put your right hand in the air, and agree to anything that's gonna need to be agreed to:


I, (Your Name) agrees that I will play LeBlanc with not only my skill, but also with my soul. I agree to achieve victory with honor, and face defeat with grace. I am ASSASSIn, I will Towerdive, backdoor the Nexus, and get my Penta-kills. No one can and no one will stop me. If I die, I will come back and roll your face. Twice. I will do the best for the interest for my competent team, and for myself.


LeBlanc is not a Samurai, and neither am I. I will not be a coward and commit suicide over ONE feeder. TWO feeders… FIVE feeders. I will stand and fight against the 1000/0 Annie, or 9001/0 Olaf. I shall show that not only am I the only PewPewer but the PEWPEWEST LeBlanc ever. I will not surrender if I get ONE, TWO,… FOUR rage quits. I will stay till the end. I will never surrender and quit. I shall fight with my rod forged with the finest metal shining and gleaming with the sun decorated with blood of my enemies. I sit here in the battle field, waiting for you to surrender cowards, or I will wait here and face defeat?.


People say Chivalry is dead. Honor is gone. They are correct. But Deceiving is not. As the upholder of Deceivers and the leaders of the future of Humanity. I agree to never surrender, never give up(it's such a wonderful life bla bla bla xD!





Even in mid bot or top just one advise:HARASS LIKE HELL AND DON'T FEEEEEED!!!!



10:AP LeBlanc


This is the LeBlanc you all know and all see in matches.A PURE FACEROLLER the doing triple kills and make enemies cry rivers.FULL AP!!


11:AP pros/cons



You can easily 2-3 hit any guy with 1800 hp or less in late game.

You can run,blink,tsink,ding,ping,pong,bla bla bla so you will escape from a chasie enemy



-1 nanosecond is all it takes to get from full health to 100 health.(Which basically just ruins you)

-Global Taunt/Focused on like crazy. (Ashe will shoot her arrow from Spawn to hit you at your spawn)

-Really really Late game, you are screwed.


12:AP Skill Order




Spam Spam Spam Spam spam spa sp... bla bla bla



13:AP Item Build




You can make some changes though



14:AP Summary


Auto-hits: 1/5

Survivability: 1/5 be glad it isn't a zero.

Spells: 6/5



15:Working in the team as AP


Last one in, First one out.



16:Spell Vamp Leblanc


This is a LeBlanc model i invented after 3 souvlaki [gr]Guro apola gia thn akrivia[gr/]

You pew pew less but you survive moree.really more that the AP one.


17:Spell Vamp Pros/Cons



You are with 100 hp~~ *spell spam on creeps* ~~ you are with 800 hp

A good amount good amount of damage



Still die like hell!!!



18:Spell Vamp Skill Order




19:Spell Vamp Item Build





20:Spell Vamp Summary


Survivability: 3/5

Auto-hits: 2/5

Spells: 3/5



21:Working in team as Spell Vamp


Last one in, Second one out.



22:AD Leblanc


I am sure you just told "oh what an idiot!!" " ad leblanc??are you crazy??" "De-karma him or ban him!"


After this rage i wanna tell that i found this side of leblanc after 3 vodka bottles.

Ok look.what makes a simple ad dps and ASSASSIN?

answer:the chasing ability the assassin has.

So AD leblanc has damage output with autohits,great movement and attack speed and some ways to chase and escape + silence.




23:AD Pros/Cons



pew pew with auto-hit and with spells too



Still die as a sh*t paper



24:AD Skill Order





25:AD Item Build





26:AD Summary


Survivability: 3/5

Damage Output: 6/5

Spells: 2/5



27:Working in the team as AD


bored to writing it is YOU DIEE LIKE HELL BABE!!



28:The Ultimate™ LeBlanc


As you can see in all the ways to play leblanc the problem is one: You dieeeeeee.

This is my unique way to play leblanc.I invented this one after having sex with the hottest hottie in a club.(imba inspiration)


So The Ultimate™ LeBlanc is:




4)and tankish(i should say this first nvm)


29:Ultimate's Pros/Cons



No more focused

Still great amounts of damage

A lot of hp



not the huge amount of damage you could to as AP


30:Ultimate's Skill Order




31:Ultimate's Item Build





Something like 4600 hp and 450 ap.enough to do a lot of damage.


32:Ultimate's Summary


Survivability: 7/5

Auto-hits: 1/5

Spells: 5/5


33:Working in the team as Ultimate


First in .......done!


34:Masteries & Runes


Here are the runes and masteries for all the ways of LeBlanc







What???Why defensive masteries????Hahahaha newbie.Cuz it is the best way to play of course!!!

4% ap and 4%less damage.+cleanse so never die!

Want more??




Chasing is easy.

Blink with Distortion and disable with chain.the rest will follow


36:Tower Diving


LeBlanc is Born This Way (copyrights are lade gaga's)

She is born to towerdive and escape blinking.Just try it.


37:Famous Last Words


Every single word and image in this guide are taken from my mind (after souvlaki,vodka,sex bla bla) and i don't have to give credits to anyone but myself.

This is my first guide of my very first hero.Hope you like it and try it.

I want some feedback guys.


Thank's Elfocrash

See you ingame!!










Guest Elfocrash

It is mine 100% you can search everywhere you want.

Thank you


2 archangel's staff 0 survival items.its like saying

COME ON i deal damage,focus me.

if you play normal games you can do this,but if someone is kinda decent with the game just focus you and your out

not few times that a leblanc had like 10/2 in early and mid game,and on late game she ended with 10/12 just cause of focusing and

proper item build.

Guest Elfocrash

I just wanna show how leblanc can have the max damage mate chill


Dude seriously...


Defense masteries for -4% damage? Wow, that's 960 damage instead of 1000. Huge difference, not.


Clarity is useless on Le Blanc, unless you spam your skills like an idiot.


AD Le Blanc? Reason?


btw AP per level Runes are useless. If you need AP from runes, you need it early game when it's actually noticeable.


Finally, all these builds suck except from the last one (if you take Warmogs out...)

Guest Elfocrash

Dude seriously...


Defense masteries for -4% damage? Wow, that's 960 damage instead of 1000. Huge difference, not.


Clarity is useless on Le Blanc, unless you spam your skills like an idiot.


AD Le Blanc? Reason?


btw AP per level Runes are useless. If you need AP from runes, you need it early game when it's actually noticeable.


Finally, all these builds suck except from the last one (if you take Warmogs out...)


I just wanna show all the sides of LeBlanc.nothing more nothing less.We can talk about the rest in an 1v1 game or in a game as mates.you will see that everything written there is written wisely


I just wanna show all the sides of LeBlanc.nothing more nothing less.We can talk about the rest in an 1v1 game or in a game as mates.you will see that everything written there is written wisely




hahahahahaha as leblanc says "classic misdirection"

1 v1 doesnt even show player skill,cause you will not be asked to 1 v 1 anybody,and especially with leblanc,who is the harder single target ap carry.

Guest Elfocrash



hahahahahaha as leblanc says "classic misdirection"

1 v1 doesnt even show player skill,cause you will not be asked to 1 v 1 anybody,and especially with leblanc,who is the harder single target ap carry.


then let's have a match together.where is the problem with this?


I just wanna show all the sides of LeBlanc.nothing more nothing less.We can talk about the rest in an 1v1 game or in a game as mates.you will see that everything written there is written wisely


Dude, I have Le Blanc since release. I know her strengths and her weaknesses and since I guess she's one of your mains, you should know that she's one of the worst late game champions, so at least don't build her as a "taunt generator" and you might manage to do your job as an assassin late game too.

Guest Elfocrash

Dude, I have Le Blanc since release. I know her strengths and her weaknesses and since I guess she's one of your mains, you should know that she's one of the worst late game champions, so at least don't build her as a "taunt generator" and you might manage to do your job as an assassin late game too.


pffff bla bla bla bla bla.

stop talking and show me facts ingame.


pffff bla bla bla bla bla.

stop talking and show me facts ingame.



classic greek gamer,thats why i avoid saying i am greek on online games.

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