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My personal rating for all champions (5v5) [scale 1-5]

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@Noble These images show nothing. 2 games mean nothing. I've once won a 4v5 with 34/4 on kata. Does that mean that kata is the best AP carry? No it just means that my enemies sucked at this game. Same for Twitch. He just owns newbs as Gregor said. If he was good, then RIOT wouldn't put so much thought on how to make him useful again, by not making him ridiculously strong like he was pre-nerf. (especially in combination with an aoe disable like Sona's, Amumu's etc.)


@Gregor Well Gragas might indeed deserve a higher rating since, along with Janna, is the only champ with an anti-aoe ult. Plus, he's got some strong damage. About Heimer, dunno. He is still a rare champion, even after the remake. However, he is still terribly annoying at mid early game. I've seen some owning, but they were just fed at the laning phase. Even AD Soraka owns if she's fed...

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Also : Gangplank 3/5 ? Evelynn 3.5/5 ? Galio 3/5 ?

In my opinion : GangPlank 4.5/5, Evelynn 4/5,Galio 4.5/5 also you should really change tryndamere rate from 1 to 4.


btw in my opinion malphtie deserves higher rating :p


He is a good tank indeed but 4 is enought.

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Gankplank after the changes should be 0/5, totally useless champ.


Shaco 2/5. Thats totally wrong.

1) Best assasin in game.

2) He has a different stealth skill from twitch and evellyn, he can leep too. That means that an oracle will not save you.

3) Great 1v1 champ

4) Map awareness


A lot of people call him squishy and useless late game. Just is too hard to see a good and skilled shaco in game.

on a late game teamfight he can:

1) Clear the carry target

2) Bait as hell

3) Damage like any other champ + his high aoe damage from ulti.



Shaco isnt a carry or a tank or a supporter, he is something unique and i would rate him with 3 or 3,5 out of 5.


Nunu 3.5/5

I would rate him with 2. His ulti will never lever land with a semi-good team even he has banshees. After ulti has no teambattle spell. Instead he is a great harasser.


Ryze 3/5

Never had problems with ryze. Can you explain me that 3/5 ?



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Gankplank after the changes should be 0/5, totally useless champ.


Shaco 2/5. Thats totally wrong.

1) Best assasin in game.

2) He has a different stealth skill from twitch and evellyn, he can leep too. That means that an oracle will not save you.

3) Great 1v1 champ

4) Map awareness


A lot of people call him squishy and useless late game. Just is too hard to see a good and skilled shaco in game.

on a late game teamfight he can:

1) Clear the carry target

2) Bait as hell

3) Damage like any other champ + his high aoe damage from ulti.



Shaco isnt a carry or a tank or a supporter, he is something unique and i would rate him with 3 or 3,5 out of 5.


Nunu 3.5/5

I would rate him with 2. His ulti will never lever land with a semi-good team even he has banshees. After ulti has no teambattle spell. Instead he is a great harasser.


Ryze 3/5

Never had problems with ryze. Can you explain me that 3/5 ?




Akali/Kass can do the exact same job so much better than Shaco


Nunu's got a support skill and a spammable heavy damage slow.


Ryze's 3/5 cause he can deal lot's of damage while being tanky. Nothing special though, but still better than old Ryze.

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hahaha nice....sorry for saying that but many of you belong to the team of novice/intermediate dudes who curse a champ for being nerfed and cant see that some champs are better after the nerf!ex:buhuhu godlike pantheon before patch was imba now after nerf he is a bunch of armor only and rarely seen in matches but ranked pantheons are so imba(even as allies or foes)...same for twitch nocturne etc!im sure some of you beg in order to nerf brand / karthus / akali etc etc too


i personally fully agree with 8-9 grades! (karthus,kennen,udyr,cho,annie,corki,shen,sion)

but having rated malzahar with 5/5 i cant understand the reason...nothing special late game even if fed in the beginning! mf 4/5>? never ever seen an good mf even as support!karma 2/5? all the karma i ve seen in ranked games are so good !!!ashe 5/5? the only advantage given to her is if she initiates first with ulti.otherwise she is squishy like a tomato...


edit: i ve noticed better the word personal! i believe it is the way of difficulty those champs offered you as foes or how good you can handle those champs with your gameplay...so i m out.too bored to continue

edit2: about the pics. i thought playing with guys with 100+ wins on drafts was a good practise...rarely i ve seen guys with lower than 40 wins.so yes....call them noobs!they are

edit3: i still wonder how did those grades came. which was the requirement or better said, where did those grades based at?

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hahaha nice....sorry for saying that but many of you belong to the team of novice/intermediate dudes who curse a champ for being nerfed and cant see that some champs are better after the nerf!ex:buhuhu godlike pantheon before patch was imba now after nerf he is a bunch of armor only and rarely seen in matches but ranked pantheons are so imba(even as allies or foes)...same for twitch nocturne etc!im sure some of you beg in order to nerf brand / karthus / akali etc etc too


i personally fully agree with 8-9 grades! (karthus,kennen,udyr,cho,annie,corki,shen,sion)

but having rated malzahar with 5/5 i cant understand the reason...nothing special late game even if fed in the beginning! mf 4/5>? never ever seen an good mf even as support!karma 2/5? all the karma i ve seen in ranked games are so good !!!ashe 5/5? the only advantage given to her is if she initiates first with ulti.otherwise she is squishy like a tomato...


edit: i ve noticed better the word personal! i believe it is the way of difficulty those champs offered you as foes or how good you can handle those champs with your gameplay...so i m out.too bored to continue

edit2: about the pics. i thought playing with guys with 100+ wins on drafts was a good practise...rarely i ve seen guys with lower than 40 wins.so yes....call them noobs!they are

edit3: i still wonder how did those grades came. which was the requirement or better said, where did those grades based at?


100 + wins mean nothing if they are at 900 elo (been there since I started playing ranked games immediately when I hit lvl 30), where people get owned by Katarina, Morde and Trynda and think that Anivia should buy 5 AA staffs and sorc boots.


Pantheon just owns people that don't know how to avoid his combo. You know his stun can be dodged right? Btw really curious... Where did you see a good team using Pantheon? All good teams I see use ranged AD carries only. The only melee ADs I see at good teams are off-tanks like Irelia, Renekton and Nasus


Nocturne is considered a strong pick by many people I play with, yet I've never had problems facing him. They're probably scared of his ult. It's simple... just get in a bush immediately or in fog. Problem solved, since he'll either not ult at all or come to you when you're at a safe spot. If you mindlessly overextend knowing that Nocturne might be coming then it's your fault you died.


Karthus and Akali are just fine imo. Brand needs a buff for his late game and a slight nerf for his early game. Never seen a Brand doing anything special at 20+ even if he's fed. Same goes for Le Blanc since she is too ulti-dependant.


Malzahar? He is the only AP anti-tank along with Amumu. However, almost noone builds Amumu as AP, so we could say he is the only one... You know in some games, where tanky targets like Nasus, Blitz etc are being the problem. Getting the whole team to focus them is just a bad idea. So you just let Malz use his combo on the (off-)tank and make it useless for the fight if not killing it. All that while dealing AoE damage and silence with his Q+W. Also, suppression... Best form of CC along with knock-ups. Best counter to the so called-OP Irelia.


MF is probably the best AD carry after Ashe, Corki and Kog. Her ulti at rank 3 is great for aoe teams.


Many high ELO players consider Ashe as the best AD carry along with Corki. Know why? Huge utility (Global stun, perma/aoe slow, free clairvoyance). Plus, she is an awesome Banshee breaker with her Volley. Her damage might not be as high as Corki's or MF's but her utility is simply incomparable for a carry. Ofc, she is squishy... That's why you should use Flash/Ghost on her instead of Exhaust/Ignite. That's why you should stay behind your tank, so that he'll manage to protect you. That's why you should not stack Bloodthirsters and buy Mercury Treads/Banshee's etc if needed.


btw Gregor I just don't feel like Malphite deserves the same rating as Amumu. Amumu's got an aoe snare and a stun as disables, Malphite has an aoe knock up and a slow. stun > slow anytime. Malphite's ulti's got even a slight chance of failing, though it's better as a disable. Amumu is a much better jungler than Malphite also. Finally, if I'm not wrong Amumu's ult has more range than Malphite's.

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i was always thought corki is one of the worst champs, till i start viewing high-elo players livestreams

same for heimer, if u see high elo players u will see that he is not that bad


watching hotshot playing heimerdinger is not the best example to get on higher elo.really.

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personally i m not afraid of any champ. i know how to counter all champs.nocturne gets banned usually because he can gang early,easily,fast


malzahar is useful for null zone imo.the same job can be done by kogmaw(even as ad or ap) too.yet i think rate of 5/5 is still bit hard :)

pantheon needs an HP boost  by riot and you ll see him more often! yet again he is so cool and powerful! i like him same like twitch

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watching hotshot playing heimerdinger is not the best example to get on higher elo.really.


Hotshot sucks ^^


Everyone watches him just because we like watching people raging :D

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