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My personal rating for all champions (5v5) [scale 1-5]

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This is just my opinion. Feel free to tell me if you disagree with something...


So let's go :)


Akali 4/5

Alistar 4.5/5

Amumu 4/5

Anivia 5/5

Annie 5/5

Ashe 5/5

Blitzcrank 4.5/5

Brand 5/5

Caitlyn 4/5

Cassiopeia 5/5

Cho'Gath 5/5

Corki 5/5

Dr. Mundo 3/5

Evelynn 2/5

Ezreal 3.5/5

Fiddlesticks 3/5

Galio 3/5

Gangplank 4/5

Garen 3.5/5

Gragas 3.5/5

Heimerdinger 3/5

Irelia 5/5

Janna 5/5

Jarvan IV 4.5/5

Jax 4/5

Karma 4/5

Karthus 4/5

Kassadin 3/5

Katarina 2/5

Kayle 3/5

Kennen 3/5

Kog'Maw 4/5

Le Blanc 3/5

Lee Sin 5/5

Leona 4/5

Lux 3/5

Malphite 3.5/5

Malzahar 4/5

Maokai 3/5

Master Yi 2/5

Miss Fortune 4/5

Mordekaiser 3.5/5

Morgana 5/5

Nasus 3.5/5

Nidalee 5/5

Nocturne 4.5/5

Nunu 3/5

Olaf 3/5

Orianna 5/5

Pantheon 2/5

Poppy 3/5

Rammus 3.5/5

Renekton 4/5

Riven ???/5

Rumble 3/5

Ryze 3/5

Shaco 2.5/5

Shen 2.5/5

Singed 4.5/5

Sion 4/5

Sivir 3/5

Skarner 2/5

Sona 5/5

Soraka 3.5/5

Swain 4/5

Talon 3.5/5

Taric 4.5/5

Teemo 3/5

Tristana 4/5

Trundle 3.5/5

Tryndamere 1/5

Twisted Fate 3/5

Twitch 1/5

Udyr 4.5/5

Urgot 4/5

Vayne 5/5

Veigar 2/5

Vladimir 2.5/5

Warwick 4/5

Wukong 3.5/5

Xin Zhao 3/5

Zilean 5/5



Note: I might have rated some champions low, but this doesn't mean that they totally suck. They are just not really suitable for any kind of team. I mean Katarina is rated 2/5. She is nothing special as an AP carry in a team consisting of 1. Rammus, 2. Irelia, 3. Miss Fortune and 4. Soraka (Given the enemies are a competitive team...). However she could work wonders in a team of 1. Amumu/Galio, 2. Morgana, 3. Ashe, 4. Cho'Gath.





UPDATE #1 22/5/2011


Added ratings for Vayne, Rumble, Fiddle and Trundle




UPDATE #2 26/5/2011


Annie's rating changed to 5/5 from 4/5

Caitlyn's rating changed to 4/5 from 3/5

Sona's rating changed to 4/5 from 5/5




UPDATE #3 3/6/2011


Jax' rating changed to 3/5 from 2/5

Kayle's rating changed to 4/5 from 3.5/5

Lee Sin's rating changed to 3.5/5 from 3/5

Singed's rating changed to 3.5/5 from 4.5/5

Swain's rating changed to 4/5 from 3/5

Vayne's rating changed to 5/5 from 4.5/5




UPDATE #4 20/9/2011


Alistar's rating changed to 4.5/5 from 3.5/5

Amumu's rating changed to  4/5 from 5/5

Brand's rating changed to 5/5 from 3.5/5

Cassiopeia's rating changed to 5/5 from 3.5/5

Evelynn's rating changed to 2/5 from 3.5/5

Ezreal's rating changed to 3.5/5 from 2/5

Gangplank's rating changed to 4/5 from 3/5

Jax' rating changed to 4/5 from 3/5

Karma's rating changed to 4/5 from 2/5

Karthus' rating changed to 4/5 from 5/5

Kassadin's rating changed to 3/5 from 4/5

Kayle's rating changed to 3/5 from 4/5

Kennen's rating changed to 3/5 from 5/5

Lee Sin's rating changed to 5/5 from 3.5/5

Leona rated for 4/5

Lux' rating changed to 3/5 from 4/5

Malphite's rating changed to 3.5/5 from 4/5

Malzahar's rating changed to 4/5 from 5/5

Nidalee's rating changed to 5/5 from 4/5

Nocturne's rating changed to 4.5/5 from 3/5

Nunu's rating changed to 3/5 from 3.5/5

Orianna rated for 5/5

Poppy's rating changed to 3/5 from 3.5/5

Renekton's rating changed to 4/5 from 3/5

Riven added to the list (not sure about her rating yet)

Shen's rating changed to 2.5/5 from 5/5

Singed's rating changed to 4.5/5 from 3.5/5

Skarner rated for 2/5

Sona's rating changed to 5/5 from 4/5

Soraka's rating changed to 3.5/5 from 5/5

Talon rated for 3.5/5

Trundle's rating changed to 3.5/5 from 3/5

Twisted Fate's rating changed to 3/5 from 4/5

Urgot's rating changed to 4/5 from 3/5

Vladimir's rating changed to 2.5/5 from 3/5

Wukong rated for 3.5/5

Xin Zhao's rating changed to 3/5 from 4/5

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my advice for lee sin.

give credits son.


your bad ratings:


twitch 1/5?

yi 2/5?

heimer 3/5?





4.5/5 Taric

5/5 Soraka




Not man enough

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Ez 2?

Shaco 2.5?



I was gonna rate Shaco for 1/5 if he wasn't a good jungler and assassin for 100 hp fleeing targets. Apart from these, he is useless.


Also, compare Ez to any other AD carry (Ashe, MF, Corki, Kog)... He's nothing.

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Nunu should be 4/5

Tryndamere 3.5/5

Olaf 3.5/5


Taric 4.5/5 ?


tbh Nunu and Nidalee were the hardest champions to rate for me. Well, Nunu is good jungler, annoying with his strong long slow that can deal lots of damage, he's got a nice support skill, but his ult is almost impossible to land unless you have a suitable team. But yes, he's 3.5-4...


Trynda is terribly easy to counter and offers absolutely nothing to the team. Exhaust/stun/blind him and ignite him 1 sec after he uses his ult. He is dead without dealing any serious damage.


Olaf is probably the fastest jungler and a very strong anti-carry, but lacks at CC... That's why I rated him that. Can't really think of a good team for which I would prefer Olaf to another champ...


What's wrong with the man btw? (Taric)


Tryndamere 1/5?

U mad!


You should knew how to play with trynda and then rate ;o .

U mad now x2!




Well, you're lvl 15... It's normal for people there to think he is OP ^^ I thought he was OP too back then, but slowly realized how easy to counter he is... Most tryndas in my games end with scores like 2/5. Nothing special for a carry...

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Twitch 1/5?

Master Yi 2/5?

Warwick 4/5?

Sona 5/5

Veigar 2/5


you re joking about twitch right?

you re far from reality :/


Twitch does what? Early ganks and feed late. At least that's what all Twitches I see do. He's been nerfed too badly, RIOT said he'll receive major buffs at future patches.

Master Yi is the same as Trynda. He just got 2 instead of 1 cause he is a good backdoorer.

What's wrong with ww and sona?

Veigar benefits from AP carries, but the enemy team should only have 1. What if it builds some MR or blocks your ult with Hourglass?

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I was gonna rate Shaco for 1/5 if he wasn't a good jungler and assassin for 100 hp fleeing targets. Apart from these, he is useless.


Also, compare Ez to any other AD carry (Ashe, MF, Corki, Kog)... He's nothing.

Aoe ulti all over the map, good for starting a fight

Attack speed buff,debuff

5 seconds flash

+ A LOT of utility

They cant kill you,whoever chases u gets raped

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Aoe ulti all over the map, good for starting a fight

Attack speed buff,debuff

5 seconds flash

+ A LOT of utility

They cant kill you,whoever chases u gets raped


Ashe's got a global stun, which is a much better initiation skill. Aoe slow that can be used pre-fight to break enemy Banshee's. Perma-slow with her Q. And free CV with her E. This is true utility. Also, Ashe is the queen of kiting.


If you want a champ with escape either go Flash/Ghost like most people do or pick Corki. By far the best dps among ranged AD carries.

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Twitch does what? Early ganks and feed late. At least that's what all Twitches I see do.

the best quote sentence...you ve seen noob twitch players who just spray and pray!thats why there are only few good twitch users!!!!twitch is not just spray and pray...about the nerf suffice to say that twitch is more imba now with his last nerf!he is a killing machine and by far one of the best carries--the best carry for me--(noobs consider him as kser cuz of his poison stucks and expunge but he is one of the best running finishers)!! carry's job is to kill and finish...

the pics below prove that he is NO feeder if played right and make right use of his 3+ second slow!!!

31-11-12 we were 4 vs 5 for at least 20 minutes and we won!!!(ENEMIES:Jax,Amumu,Xin,Mordekaiser,Malzahar



this is from my 8-2-2 ranked victory




and that is in a simple public normal game lvl6 account when twitch was free(no runes)...even my teammates didnt manage too reach my position fast and i killed them alone...





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