Lineal Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 I want to buy a mage with 3150 , my target is kassadin but what's your opinion about him?Is he good champ?
Fortuna Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 Kass is the most annoying champion in the game for me. He's one of the best AP carries.
Lineal Posted April 9, 2011 Author Posted April 9, 2011 AP Kassy is awesome if he get's fed but LeBlank or Lux are also cool if you have 3k IP Kass is the most annoying champion in the game for me. He's one of the best AP carries. Can you recommend me items to buy from the begin?And which skills i have to increase most?
BloodyWarrior Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 Kassa as anima said is a really annoying champ but also he is a difficult champ.Dont forget that he is melee + he needs much mana.Also he can die very easily but hopefully he got a bling bling ulti.About skills just lvl up 1-3-1-3-2-6-1-3 and go on.For items, take a saphire crystal and 2 pots.After make an archangel, mejai,boots (sorcerer) and for late game items take rabandons deathcap,lich bane,morelos,zhonya.
Fortuna Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 Can you recommend me items to buy from the begin?And which skills i have to increase most? R>Q>E>W Most Kassadins I see use, Sorc Shoes Rod of Ages Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rabandon's Deathcap Banshee's Veil Void Staff or some situational item
Lineal Posted April 9, 2011 Author Posted April 9, 2011 Kassa as anima said is a really annoying champ but also he is a difficult champ.Dont forget that he is melee + he needs much mana.Also he can die very easily but hopefully he got a bling bling ulti.About skills just lvl up 1-3-1-3-2-6-1-3 and go on.For items, take a saphire crystal and 2 pots.After make an archangel, mejai,boots (sorcerer) and for late game items take rabandons deathcap,lich bane,morelos,zhonya. R>Q>E>W Most Kassadins I see use, Sorc Shoes Rod of Ages Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rabandon's Deathcap Banshee's Veil Void Staff or some situational item Thnx both , really . Also for the difficulty you are right. its too difficult for me .
WeirdSituation Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 also you can play him with 2-3 rod of ages.
Lineal Posted April 12, 2011 Author Posted April 12, 2011 Guys , i played him on custom with bots and on real games...but...he can die very easy ... Maybe some1 knows items for .. not easy die and ability?I dont know which items to start ..and can kill the other teams. All my friends tell me that i am very stupid because i bought Kassadin -.-' . I want to proof them the opossite .. just give me items and some tips to play.. [ i want many things e?]
Noble® Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 kassadin is a good char...if your friends think you did a mistake by buying him then they are not even close to intermediate player....your starting items depend on your lane and opponent...i usually go with a tome and a potion or boot +3pots(i dont really need doran ring) about not dying.either have your ulti rdy or at least force pulse for slow...the secret is NOT to spend mana unpurposesly ps:IDIOT and RETARD whoever deleted my last reply which i was saying the same things exactly...learn moderation or english at least
Lineal Posted April 14, 2011 Author Posted April 14, 2011 kassadin is a good char...if your friends think you did a mistake by buying him then they are not even close to intermediate player....your starting items depend on your lane and opponent...i usually go with a tome and a potion or boot +3pots(i dont really need doran ring) about not dying.either have your ulti rdy or at least force pulse for slow...the secret is NOT to spend mana unpurposesly ps:IDIOT and RETARD whoever deleted my last reply which i was saying the same things exactly...learn moderation or english at least thnx for reply ;p can you tell me what a tome is?And you said dorans ring [ ap ] is not usefull for the begin?Btw thnx for helping -.-'
Endtime Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 I play kassadin for main. He is the best assassin in the game. I play him about one month and on most games i got ZERO (0) deaths and over 30 kills. Kassadin is UNDEAD with riftwalk. if u cant play him don't cry that he dies easily. Items: Sapphire crystal Catalyst the protector boots of speed mejai's soulstealer sorcerer's shoes tear of goddess banshee's veil archangel's staff lich bane rabadon's deathcap don't take deathcap before all others, take em at the sequence I writed, kassadin isn't only about pure AP, u need many many mana too so you don't run out and die. kassadin with no mp = certain death
Lineal Posted April 14, 2011 Author Posted April 14, 2011 I play kassadin for main. He is the best assassin in the game. I play him about one month and on most games i got ZERO (0) deaths and over 30 kills. Kassadin is UNDEAD with riftwalk. if u cant play him don't cry that he dies easily. Items: Sapphire crystal Catalyst the protector boots of speed mejai's soulstealer sorcerer's shoes tear of goddess banshee's veil archangel's staff lich bane rabadon's deathcap don't take deathcap before all others, take em at the sequence I writed, kassadin isn't only about pure AP, u need many many mana too so you don't run out and die. kassadin with no mp = certain death ok mate thnx
Endtime Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 also you can play him with 2-3 rod of ages. no way .better take the items i say to him.
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