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[Contest-Guide]Create a menu through commandmenu.txt file.


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The file commandmenu.txt is in cstrike folder. If you dont find it,you can create a new file and rename it with the commandmenu.txt.

You dont need any file editor to work with the file the simple way is Notepad :Dr


The Elements&items of the menu are strung  in lines in the file after the next syntax:


\"Identify [one number]\" \"The Text\" \"command/commands which will run\"
\"Identify [one number]\" \"The Text\" \"command/commands which will run\"
\"Identify [one number]\" \"The Text\" \"command/commands which will run\"


At 'identify' put what number you want, at 'Text' put the text which will appear on the following items and on the "command/..." strung the commands which you'll want to run [dont forget ;]


How it will be ?

Something like this :


\"1\" \"Use right hand\" \"cl_righthand 1\"
\"2\" \"Use left hand\" \"cl_righthand 0\"
\"3\" \"say maxcheaters when you want\" \"say see you later;quit\"

\"4\" \"Close the menu\" \"slot10\" 


The slot10 command turns off the menu.


And if you want a sub-menu use { and }


\"1\" \"Change map\"
And here strung the sub-menu


Example :


\"1\" \"Use right hand\" \"cl_righthand 1\"
\"2\" \"Use left hand\" \"cl_righthand 0\"

\"3\" \"Change map\"
\"1\" \"cs_assault\" \"admin_map cs_assault\"
\"2\" \"cs_italy\" \"admiN_map cs_italy\"
\"3\" \"de_aztec\" \"changelevel de_aztec\"

\"5\" \"Turn off the menu\" \"slot10\" 


Thats all


Best Regards,



PS:Credits Me .


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