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Hello there guys..Ι decided to make this guide to help newbies and make a bit cleaner the situation for all of us.

I would like to say this is my first Guide on forum so i'll try to give my best ! If i did any fault feel free to tell me.

Meanwhile,I searched a lot for any same guide but didnt find..just one on the Greek section but doesnt matter.I'll make my guide on English section with my own skills.


So let's start ...



Which quests i have to do.


So when you start you're Mystic.

At level 19 you make the quest to become a Shillient Oracle and for this you need the "Orb of the Abyss".

At level 35 you start the quest Trial of the Pilgrim

After at level 37 you start the quest Testimony Of Fate

And finally at level 39 you start the quest Test of the Reformer

Note:After these you need to get 40 lvl and you're ready for change class to Shillien Elder couse you got the 3 quests.


Which are the best places for experience (EXP)


1-10:The spawning zone,stay there till you go 10 and then move to the village.

10-25:Windmill Hill, Maille Lizards, School of Dark Arts (3 choise)

25-35:Maille Lizards, Abandoned Camp, Ol Mahum , Floran (4 choise)

35-45:Execution Grounds, Ant Nest(2 choise)

45-55:Cemetary, Death Pass(2 choise)

55-65:Dragon Valley Cave(inside)

65-78:Wall of argos

78-80:Monastery of Silence,Forge of gods,Primeval Island [xp there with party,you just heal and the other give damage to mobs for lvl up]  (3 choise)

Note:When reach level 45 you obtain a skill named "Inquisitor" and with that we can hit undead mobs!Also in some xp zones you have to lvl up with party so dont forget to be friendly with others if you want faster results.


Which armor i have to take.


1-20 Devotion armor.



20-40 Mithril tunic armor.



40-61 Karmian tunic armor.



61-80 Dark crystal robe armor.



80-84 Dynasty tunic armor.



84-85 Vesper noble tunic armor.



Which weapon i have to take.


1-20 Crucifix Of Blessing. -Sword-



20-40 Staff of life. -Blunt-



40-53 Sword of Homonculus. (with special Ability "Acumen" for more casting speed) -Sword-



53-61 Sword of Valhalla. (with special Ability "Acumen" for more casting speed) -Sword-



61-76 Sword of Miracle (with special Ability "Acumen" for more casting speed) -Sword-



76-80 Arnaca mace (with special Ability "Acumen" for more casting speed) -Blunt-



80-84 Icarus hall (with special Ability "Acumen" for more casting speed) -Blunt-



84-85 Sacredium (with special Ability "Acumen" for more casting speed) -Blunt-



Note:Dont forget to take SS (are always very important for everything..dmg,casting speed etc).Remember take ALWAYS the bless SS for more results.Use the normal SS only on the Olympiad.


Which jewels i have to take.


1-20 Blue diamond set.



20-40 Elven set.



40-53 Blessed set.



53-61 Black ore set.



61-76 Majestic set.



76-80 Tateossian set.



80-84 Dynasty set.



84-85 Vesper set.



But the best could be if you take those jewels.. Raid boss jewels! You can reveice them only if you kill the proportional Raid Boss.







Which dyes i have to use.


The best dyes to use when you're for pvp(supporter) or olympiad are : WIT+4/MEN-4 for casting speed and Con+4/Dex-4 for more HP(Str-4 lowers your p attack and you need it for Olympiad couse there you'll have to play with fighter weapon for dmg if you dont have stone on mage weapon.)

Note:this is how I use the dyes on that class.


The most important + best skills on Shillien Saint.


21b9o4l.pngGreater group heal:Instantly recovers HP of party members and increases HP regeneration.

2ccte8n.pngGreater heal:Instantly restores lost HP and increases HP regeneration.

35k4zf7.pngRecharge:Recovers MP. Cannot be used on a class that has Recharge.

aaxe29.pngDryad Root:Temporarily holds an enemy. The target cannot receive any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.

8z2pll.pngWild magic:Temporarily increases critical attack rate of magic attacks.

35cg9k3.pngInvocation:Meditate to increase MP regeneration. Your body is immobilized and your P. Def. decreased while meditating. The effect is canceled if you are attacked.

14cs61f.pngMana burn:Your enemies' MP is reduced.

js2iy1.pngHoly resistance:Temporarily increases your target's resistance to divine attacks.

16jni4h.pngErase:Your enemy's servitor is cast into another dimension.Consumes 5 adnckp.png spirit ores.

5a9fl.pngWind Shackle:Spirit of the Wind attacks, reducing target's Atk. Spd.

33lgw36.pngStigma of Shilen:Lowers the resist chance of enemy to Melee attacks.

11tpq43.pngArcane protection:Temporarily increases resistance to buff cancel and debuff attack.

wv8t40.pngBlock shield:Removes some buffs that increase P. Def from a targeted enemy.

2qsnf6f.pngProphecy of Wind:The spirit of an ancient assassin temporarily possesses the user.Consumes 5 adnckp.png spirit ore.

am2l5e.pngMana gain:Temporarily increases effectiveness of targeted recharges.

10d9t0y.pngThrone root:Instantly apply Hold to surrounding enemies.

3324c9i.pngLord of vampire:Absorbs some HP from damage inflicted on enemies.

2zhfudu.pngTurn stone:Petrify youself for eight seconds.

53odhj.pngBattle heal:Quickly recovers HP.

2d9wsir.pngFocus:Temporarily increases critical attack rate.

33elngo.pngMental shield:Temporarily increases resistance to Hold, Sleep, Fear, and Mental attacks.

6j0exk.pngShield:Temporarily increases P. Def.

2zpmnhf.pngSleep:Instantly put an enemy to sleep.

x52ids.pngVampiric rage:Absorbs some HP from damage inflicted on enemies.

34ec4s1.jpgArcane wisdom:Maximizes magic efficiency by decreasing MP consumption by 30% and Casting Spd. by 10%. 50 HP is consumed per second.

ad0t9c.jpgEnlightenment:User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 10%, Heal by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.

2ykzvhj.jpgMagician's will: Increases magical power by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and magical critical damage rate by 5%. Decreases MP consumption by 5%.

15e7ofq.jpgAqility:Increases evasion by 4.

2rqn5zn.jpgBenediction:Fully restores party members' HP. Can be used when MP is under 25%.

2s9uplh.jpgBless shield:Increases shield defense rate by 30%.

e0pcvp.jpgBody of avatar:Restores HP of all party members by 35% and increases Max HP by 35%.

20sinie.jpgCelestial shield:Protects the target with sacred power, making it invincible for 10 seconds.

sfgs5c.jpgClarity:Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 20%, magic skill MP consumption by 10%, and song/dance skill MP consumption by 20%. Consumes 3 adnckp.png Spirit Ores.

2d9v3sw.jpgDecrease weight:Increases the weight penalty interval by 9000.

10ek1v5.jpgGreater battle heal:Rapidly restores the target's HP by 858 Power.

ay7mab.jpgHold undead:Paralyzes an undead monster for 30 seconds.

f3w5q9.jpgHoly weapon:Increases a party member's divine attribute P. Atk. by 20.

32zlt2e.jpgMagical backfire:Increases the enemy's skill MP consumption by 200% for 1 minute.

2wej2ps.jpgMajor group heal:Restores the HP of all party members by 1170 Power. Consumes 4 adnckp.png Spirit Ores.

2vj8jgn.jpgMajor heal:Restores the target's HP by 946 Power. Consumes 1 adnckp.png Spirit Ore.

2illq8x.jpgMana storm:Supplements user's M. Atk. with 81 Power to consume nearby enemies' MP.

s6kd2w.jpgMass resurrection:Resurrect a dead clan member, also restores 55 percent of Exp.

2lafxus.jpgMight of heaven:Inflicts divine damage on the undead using 87 Power added to M. Atk.

o5dpqt.jpgParty recall:Teleports party members to a village. This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.

71h5ed.jpgPeace:Puts target's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased.

j5a1hc.jpgPrayer:Increases the power of HP recovery magic received by all party members by 12%.

90nlf8.jpgRegeneration:Increases HP Regeneration by 20%.

2gtn8ea.jpgRepose:Diminishes undead monster's will to attack.

14c6tqx.jpgRequiem:Sings a requiem that prevents nearby undead monsters from making preemptive attacks.

254yqev.jpgResist poison:Increases resistance to poison attacks by 50%.

x42iaw.jpgResist shock:Increases resistance to stun attacks by 40%.

2uizxxl.jpgRestore life:Recovers HP by 30 percent.

2meird.jpgReturn:Teleports caster to the nearest village. This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.

j5a1hc.jpgSerenade of eva:Soothes surrounding enemies, eliminating their desire to attack.

e8a72u.jpgTrance:Causes an enemy to sleep for 15 seconds.

jk7r6r.jpgTurn undead:Strikes fear into undead, causing them to flee. Consumes 5 adnckp.png  Spirit Ores. Lethal Strike is possible.

ifwmlj.jpgUnholy resistance:Increases resistance to Dark attacks by 30.

2zr4112.jpgVitalize:Recovers HP with 780 Power and cures severe poison/bleeding.

2prh94x.jpgResist wind:Increases resistance to wind attacks by 10.

2zxulvm.jpgWind walk:Increases movement speed by 33.

23wk4sk.jpgResurrection:Resurrects a corpse. In addition, restores about 20 percent of Exp.

141jqz8.jpgEmpower:Increases M. Atk. by 55%.

2d7gacw.jpgConcentration:Decreases magic cancel damage by 18.

no6ijc.jpgMight:Increases P. Atk. by 12%.

2i769te.jpgGuidance:Increases accuracy by 2.

16jr0b8.jpgPurify:Cancels paralysis and cures minor poison/bleed condition.

16bkcwj.jpgDisrupt Undead:Supplements user's M. Atk. with 21 Power to inflict divine attribute damage on the target. Affects undead.

23h0rpd.jpgImproved Critical Attack:Combines critical rate increase and critical power increase to have more advanced critical increase effect.Increases critical rate by 30% and critical power by 35%.

14sl7yh.jpgImproved Magic:Combines magic power increase and magic resistance increase to have more advanced magic ability increase effect.Increases M. Atk. by 75% and M. Def. by 30%.


Which buffs i have to take.




This is the buff list for Shillien Saint.This class can be used only like a supporter couse it can't give damage.We can play this sub like a healer to help people with farm/pvp by healing so the point it's to take only the buffs for p def,m def,casting speed,speed and OF COURSE the resists.You wont need ex. empower or wild magic because those skills are for m attack and critical rate and you dont have any skills to be usefull for you.


How can i play the Shillien Saint.




At the first bar,we put the support skills to heal the party or ally/clan members and some debuffs to take off their shield for lower p def,also to root them,sleep them and so on..

At the second bar,it's good to put our SS and our mana potions if we play on PVP server of course, if not it's good to be there the Skill Recharge to inscrease the mp of our friends.I have also there two resists,the resist of wind and holy protection + the prophecy of wind!Good buffs to inscrease the chance for lower damages by the enemy (if he attacks with dark magics).

At end on the third bar,i have all the buff skills of this class because can be pretty usefull when your party reveiced a cancel and need rebuff(give them back the buff only if you got the right one) or on RPG servers to buff others and make them stronger so as kill mobs(monsters).


How can i play the Shillien Saint in Olympiad.


Before join the olympiad you must take the right weapons to buff up yourself in oly with them and take spiritshot WITHOUT special ability because with you take bless you can't use them! REMEMBER ONLY NORMAL SS IN THE OLY .The weapons are:


24fiwex.pngStaff of Evil Spirit , Special Abilities: Magic focus,Blessed body,Magic posions.I suggest you to take Magic focus for critical attacks and Bless body for more life


mbk0th.pngHell Knife , Special Abilities: Magic mental shield,Magic weakness,Magic regeneration.I propose you to take Magic mental shield for good resistance to Hold, Sleep, Fear, Mental attacks and Magic Regeneration to inscrease the regeneration to your hp.


2dw71h2.pngThemis' Tongue , Special Abilities: Mana up to inscrease your mp faster, Magic focus for critical attacks and Magic mental shield for good resistance.


So now we're ready to join the olympiad,but we dont know how to play  :o

I wont make bar with skills for the oly couse i guess that's personal.Make your bar as you prefer but remember when you fight to press the SS always to make them stay open.

You joined the oly?Then take out your weapons and start buffing by healing yourself with each weapon,you'll obtain it.


VS Mages

If you have to fight with mage then your life becomes really more easy! First thing you have to do it's to sleep him and start lower his mp with the skill Mana burn till he stays with 1 mp and he wont have chance to attack you anymore.Then you take out your light armor set + fighter weapon(bow or dagger or sword,i prefer bow+) and start hitting.Remember when you hit meanwhile use again the skill mana burn.Dont give him time to hit you!


VS Fighters

If you have to fight with fighter,your first step again it's to sleep him and fastly lowers his mp till it goes 1!Then take on your light armor and weapon and start hitting.When your hp getting down dont forget to heal yourself with your skills! You're actually healer and that's a +1 point for you.


Here guys i told you little things to make you understand how you have to fight on olympiad.But everything really everything can be simple if you got stone on your weapon.With this skills you can attack with magic attacks and transfer more damage than with a bow!It's all on your hands!!!


I small update will come also..soon!


I hope helped you a lot guys,thanks again.

Best regards..



It's not a guide(friendly)


S84 jewels...ELEGIA


you must focus on other things...how to play



You can't put INT+4 at SS,if i remember well ;)


New buffs/skills(here



Other tactics


also,how is a SS supposed to XP at Primeval?:P


way of gameplay


Generally,more things to add



Waiting for update.If you wanna ask something,PM me




You could talk better to him, he worked hours to make it.



If a guide like this takes hours to be made,other ones must take weeks/months ;P


and many things must be added,since it's not a guide,now


useless guide lol

What about dyes?Or how a SE can play in oly or pvp?

delete it or update it

As i said on the end of my guide..i'll update it soon!

That's the dyes i use!



It's not a guide(friendly)


S84 jewels...ELEGIA


you must focus on other things...how to play



You can't put INT+4 at SS,if i remember well ;)


New buffs/skills(here



Other tactics


also,how is a SS supposed to XP at Primeval?:P


Generally,more things to add



Waiting for update.If you wanna ask something,PM me


way of gameplay

Everything will be added.But by the way i appreciate your good words for help.

~ it's my first guide :( ~


Well it is ur 1st guide but this doesnt change the fact that it is bad

U just copypasted skills and obvious armor which we use

So update it and i will tell u a better opinion

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