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Geia sas paidia, opws lew kai ston titlo mou thelw ta kalitera l2j pack ta opoia thewreite eseis pws einai ta kalutera...Apo c4, c5, c6...oti mporei o kathenas... Thanks


Exw katevasei kai ta duo, kai to pack tou killer einai kalutero alla exei polla provlimata..opws px ta skills..merika dn douleuoun...oi lifestones...


Kai ego tou killer exo alla dn exo kanena problem  me tpt.Exo balei mesa LS trader Augment NPC Buffer GM Shop Clan Hall Viewer kai alla pollllaaa....alla kanena problem...A,an to problem p exeis me tis ls(lifestones) einai p s leei oti tis perneis kai dn tis bgazei invetory...tis bgazei alla sta Quest items kai apo kei kaneis Drag kai ola Ok.....

Anyway,gia  mena to kalitero pack einai tou killer to fixarismeno ;)


Kai ego tou killer exo alla dn exo kanena problem  me tpt.Exo balei mesa LS trader Augment NPC Buffer GM Shop Clan Hall Viewer kai alla pollllaaa....alla kanena problem...A,an to problem p exeis me tis ls(lifestones) einai p s leei oti tis perneis kai dn tis bgazei invetory...tis bgazei alla sta Quest items kai apo kei kaneis Drag kai ola Ok.....

Anyway,gia  mena to kalitero pack einai tou killer to fixarismeno ;)

An deis kai tou killer to pack exei arketa provlimata...Apla des merika skills pou anti gia active ta exei passive kai to antitheto..dn thimamai poia akrivws..tespa ksefeugoume apo to thema...oi perissoteroi auto m lene oti to pack tou killer einai to kalutero..

An deis kai tou killer to pack exei arketa provlimata...Apla des merika skills pou anti gia active ta exei passive kai to antitheto..dn thimamai poia akrivws..tespa ksefeugoume apo to thema...oi perissoteroi auto m lene oti to pack tou killer einai to kalutero..


Mallon dn exeis to fixarismeno gi'auto...tha simfoniso ksefeugoume apo to thema..


To kalitero pack einai tis emu hte interlude hte kamael..exei plithora apo seetings p kanena allo pack dn exei

episis dn exei kai kanena bugged skills


  • 4 weeks later...

Poios einai o kaluteros c4 serve r????

File eisai off-topic...Den peirazei eisai new member opote sugxwrise :P....An theleis kane ena diko sou topic kai kane oti erwtisi thelei...

**Pantws gia auto p rwtas :P nomizw einai o l2elite.....

SITE: http://l2elite.us/


File eisai off-topic...Den peirazei eisai new member opote sugxwrise :P....An theleis kane ena diko sou topic kai kane oti erwtisi thelei...

**Pantws gia auto p rwtas :P nomizw einai o l2elite.....

SITE: http://l2elite.us/

File xxrxx ama eisoun newbie as epernes tou killer...alla kai pali kanena dn kanei...opote gia kamael perneis Emu kai gia C6 l2jdp  .......
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