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L2EasyFun Freya !FULL! ... (20-03-2011) http://L2EasyFun.com

Balanced -PvP !!



XP: X4000

SP: X5000

ADENA: X10000



Enchant rates: 76%


Safe : +3

Max +16


*Special Events...Every 1Hour & 30min... 14 Events !! (Deathmatch-Domination-CTF-TvT-VIP TvT-Bomb Fight-Zombies-Rossian Rullette-BattleField...)

*2 Weeks Olympiad...with All Enchants count as +4 for the Oly Fights

*Nice Farm System...4 Custom Farm Areas

*Custom PvP Area

*Custom Party Instance

*Custom Solo Instance

*85lvl All GrandBoss 100% Drop

+1 Multi Special Custom RaidBoss!

*All Skills ReTail Like

*All New Items-Agathions-Accessories-Pets

*Offline Shops - Restores after a possible Restart

*AIOItem ..All NPCs in one Item.. for Better GamePlay!

*All NEW Armors&Weapons FREYA


*New Party Farm Area!!


*New Phoenix Engine !! (14Events+4mini events)



Special Buffer & Scheme System

3hours Buffs..

18Song/Dance Slots

Balanced PvP!!


Geodata W/o Bugs

* Stable. No lag.

*24Hours Support!


Just Opened !! 20/3/2011 !!


Join For More!!!!!!! http://L2EasyFun.com


it was one of my worst server ever!!! nothing was working good. bugs and op tanks. the admin change the stats every minute and he made the server a mess! he wipe...so? does he learn how to build a server?


why do u open a new topic while the old one is still open ???




PS:  to start the server a second time with a lie is always a bad idea.... just say the true and don't try to scam the ppl while u say server just opened today while its in real running since one month and u just wiped it.


PS2: add prefix.........240 posts and still don't know the rules.....


Server Wiped with New Server where is the Deffernce? changes the name??


many addons  many changes so New Server...


Server 1st day today have 90ppl Online...and Rising..



Have Fun..


ty for the nice comments..



do not use ucoz for anything [i am talking about your forum] .. try using something made by you .. anyway  .. make home video doesn't start automatically.. it is annoying xD! ..

However .. Good Luck :)

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