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[Collection] Internet Tools


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Since I see this really good to have it here!


I'm making a collection of usefull internet tools which can be used to do stuff on the web. My list so far:


  • ClipConverter.cc - Used to download youtube videos, the best as far as I know.
  • picresize.com - Used to resize/crop pictures online
  • Tinyurl.com - Shortens url of every link
  • translate.google.com - Translator
  • aedes.us - Image uploading site
  • bit.ly - Shortens urls too
  • downForEveryoneOrJustMe.com  - Checking if the x site is for everyone down or only for you.


Please contribute. No spam allowed.

Thanks in advance


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Tinyurl.com - Shortens url of every link




video2mp3.net/listentoyoutube.com - Download youtube videos to .mp3!


Clipconverter seems better to me.


Sticky dis?


I need to check if people are interested.

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http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/  - Checking if the x site is for everyone down or only for you.

http://www.whois.net/ - Taking infos about x site.


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http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/  - Checking if the x site is for everyone down or only for you.


Thanks about it.


Well whois is a public service for domains. Can't call it a tool. It's more like a service in general.

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About pictures uploading,I think that the most complete and useful is:

Tinypic.com - Image and Video hosting.(Provides a program that will let you upload without open the website)



lmgtfy.com - "Let me Google that for You!"(Funny google-searching engine)

Speedtest.net - Counts your Up/Down link

Systemrequirementslab.com - Also known as "Can you run it?".Will let you scan your PC so you will know if you can run a game,before you buy/download it.

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