So, after getting a Linux server, I changed pack to using a clean L2J pack from like 2007. The problem is that the buffer I was using in a more recent L2J Free pack is disfunctional in my current older L2J pack. Whenever I try to buff, it gives me a error saying "script error" and only gives 3 buffs. It is using the same files as in the L2J Free. Any ideas on how I can fix this?
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So, after getting a Linux server, I changed pack to using a clean L2J pack from like 2007. The problem is that the buffer I was using in a more recent L2J Free pack is disfunctional in my current older L2J pack. Whenever I try to buff, it gives me a error saying "script error" and only gives 3 buffs. It is using the same files as in the L2J Free. Any ideas on how I can fix this?
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