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Buffs in oly


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I dont know if there is this kind of topic but nvm..



Its a way to get buffs in oly.


Works on L2J


You need 3 chars:

X player - someone who will take part in the olympiad game and get buffs.

Y player - the viewer who will watch the match.

Z player - the main char - buffer



Y & Z must be married.


Since you do not know anyone in the audience can not intervene in the fighting, on the olympiad match

Disprove this rule!


1) X player - must sign up for the Olympiad.

2) Y is a player (any class) to go and be a spectator at the Olympiad

3) Z player (buffer) should use the command . gotolove

4) Z will appear in the Olympiad, but not as a spectator

5) Z can begin to buff the player  X



Also you use this exploit to debuff your enemy, cause when the Z get in the stadium the enemy can't see him or also you can heal X

Maybe you can try to make it on sieges.. Make the char invisible and then go to siege..

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1) Z player - must sign up for the Olympiad.

2) Y is a player (any class) to go and be a spectator at the Olympiad

3) Z player (buffer) should use the command . gotolove

4) Z will appear in the Olympiad, but not as a spectator

5) Z can begin to buff the player  X


maybe the first step should be "Player X must sign up to oly", if not it hasn't sense

indeed an old bug, lots of srvs have disabled marriage or .gotolove command just for this

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